
1. 英语翻译我现在的工作很累,每天看着领导的眼色,生怕自己做错 现在我有一份工作 , 但是并不是我期望之中的样子.每天上班要看老板的脸色行事 , 生怕自己会做的不好或者做错而受到老板的批评或者炒鱿鱼 , 日复一日的的生活我是在担心和疲劳之中度过的 , 缺少了热情和动力.现在我开始怀念以前上学的日子 , 可惜马上我就要从大学毕业了.我后悔以前没有好好学习专业知识 , 要不我会找到一份更好的 , 待遇更高的 , 我自己喜欢的工作.但是现在一切已经无法再挽回 , 我该怎么办 , 我该怎么样拯救自己?翻译:Now I have a job,but not I expect in appearance.To go to work every day to see the boss in the face,for fear that you do not good or doing wrong by the boss criticism or fired,day after day after day I'm worried about the life of the fatigue and spend,the lack of enthusiasm and motivation.Now I am starting to miss school days before,but soon I will be graduated from college.I regret that I didn't learn professional knowledge,or I'll find a better,pay higher,I like.But now it was unable to save,what should I do,how should I save yourself?我自己写的自己翻译的. , 可能会有错误 , 欢迎指教. 。
2. 英语翻译我的一周生活星期一,英语,星期二有音乐课.星期三我最爱【我累了的英语怎么写】 我的一周生活My Week's life 星期一 , 上语文 , 英语 , 数学课.On Monday,I have Chinese,English,mathematics.星期二有音乐课.On Tuesday,I have music class.星期三我最爱了 , 有美术课和体育课 , 体育课上我们打羽毛球.美术课画美丽的图画.Wednesday is my favor,have art classes and physical education(PE).On PE class,we play badminton.On art class painted beautiful picture.星期四有科学课和思想品德课.On Thursday,I have science and moral education (ME).星期五最累了下午要劳动.Friday is the most tried day.In the afternoon,we have labor (work).星期六和星期天也是累的 , 不仅要写家庭作业还要补课.Saturday and Sunday also are tired,not only have to do my homework and make up classes. 。
3. 很累的英语怎么写 很累
英文:very tired
Now sit down and make yourself comfortable. You must be very tired.
现在坐下来 , 让自己舒服些 , 你一定很累了 。
My arms are tired, and my back is tense.
我的胳膊很累 , 背部肌肉紧绷得难受 。
"You seem tired this morning, Jenny," she said kindly.
“你今天早上看上去很累 , 珍妮 , ”她关切地说 。

