
1. 怎样做鸡汤用英文写一个80词左右的作文 To make the chicken soup, we firstly need to cut the raw material into small pieces and wash them clean. Then put the washed chicken in the pot. Remeber to pour enough water too. Put the pot on the fire till it boils. When the soup starts to boil, turn off the fire and put some salt and green onions in it. The chicken soup is ready for enjoying. 。
2. 英语鸡汤 喝鸡汤英语怎么写 喝鸡汤 drink chicken soup 喝鸡汤能治感冒 Chicken soup can cure the common cold 例句: 我们所有人都知道喝鸡汤,瑜伽,维C,小憩的好处 。
These?We all know about the benefits of chicken soup and yoga, vitamin C and naps.这些?就是秘密?我们所有人都知道喝鸡汤,瑜伽,维C,小憩的好处 。Secrets? These?We all know about the benefits of chicken soup and yoga, vitamin C and naps.希望能帮助到你,望采纳 。
3. 怎样做鸡汤的英语作文 Lightly beat the egg so that no bubbles form Turn off the heat the minute you begin pouring in the egg (this produces silkier threads) Pour the egg in a very slow stream (pouring it through the tines of a fork from several inches above the pot is a good way to keep the stream slow and steady) Begin stirring as soon as you start pouring in the egg To make shreds or threads, stir rapidly for at least 1 minute Stir the beaten egg in one direction only Once you're comfortable making it, you may want to try some variations. West Lake Beef Soup is basically Egg Drop Soup with ground beef added. Similarly, Italian Wedding Soup is a type of egg drop soup with rice, spinach, ground beef and Italian seasonings 。
4. 求一篇关于做“鸡汤”英语作文 At firstcut up the chicken into pieces.Thenwash the chicken with clear water.Andput the chicken into the boiling water,cover the pot cover,and keep heating for about 30 minutes.Minutes after minutes,you can smell how nice it is. 30 minutes later,now the chicken is nearly done .Add some salt,green onions. Aha,you have finish it.Take out the chicken into a bowl,just ready to enjoy it well.
【鸡汤的英文怎么写】首先把鸡肉切成小块,然后用清水洗一下鸡肉 。再把鸡肉放到开水中,盖上锅盖,加热约30分钟 。一分钟一分钟过去你可以闻到它多香 。30分钟之后,现在鸡肉差不过已近好了 。加一些盐和葱 。哈哈,你已经做好了鸡肉 。把鸡肉取出来放到碗里,就准备好好享受吧 。
仅作参考,作文自己还是要练习 。这样的作文一步步说下来,注意连接就可以了,没句话开头都说下现在到什么时候了 。

