
1. 看书,用英语怎么说 看书的英语:Read a book
读音:[ri:d;red] [?] [b?k]
1、Read Like A Book 一目了然
2、read in a book 在一本书中看到
3、Read a new book 阅读一本新书
4、Read A Good Book 读一本好书
1、I never read a book before review it; it prejudice one so.
我对一本书在作出书评之前决不看它,因为先看了会使人染上偏见 。
2、Let's turn the television off, I'd sooner read a book.
咱们把电视机关上吧,我宁愿看本书 。
3、I need glasses when I read a book.
我看书时需要眼镜 。
4、It is too dark in this room for me to read a book.
房间太暗,使我无法看书 。
1、reading英 ['ri?d??]美 ['rid??]
[例句]I asked her what books she had been reading.
我问她之前在读什么书 。
2、peruse英 [p?'ru?z]美 [p?'ruz]
vt. 详细考察;精读
[例句]there for all netheads to peruse
在那里所有网迷都能随意浏览 。
2. 看书,写作业的英语怎么写【在看书英语怎么写】 read a book
英 [ri:d ? buk] 美 [rid e b?k]
词典 看书
I read a book in the afternoon.
我读了一本书在下午进行 。
I want to read a book I write one.
当我想要看书的时候,我就写一本 。
I was alone for a few hours today, so I read a book.
今天我单独呆了几个小时,所以读了一本书 。
After that I read a book and went to bed.
吃完火锅,我读了一本书后就睡觉了 。
What's more, I usually read a book or some essays.
更重要的是,我经常阅读一本书或一些文章 。
英 [tɑ:sk] 美 [t?sk]
n. 作业;工作,任务;苦差事
vt. 交给某人(任务);使过于劳累
第三人称单数: tasks
复数: tasks
现在分词: tasking
过去式: tasked
过去分词: tasked
3. 我喜欢看书英语怎么说 我们每周上学5天,在星期日上午放风筝,星期日晚上学英语 。
We go to school five days a week,fly kites on Sunday morning and learn English on Sunday night.
We go to school five days a week,on Sunday,fly kites in the morning and learn English at night/in the evening.
我喜欢看书 。
I like/have a passion of/am fond of reading.
JOHN can speak Chinese,but/while I just can speak a little.
JOHN can speak Chinese,so can I,but just a little.

