
1. 写赵丽颖的英文小短文,加中文翻译 My best actress Zanilia Zhao She was born in 16/10/1987,HeBei Lang Fang City,Chinese new actress,Hai run movie actress. 2006 year she was join in the Yahoo's search,got the Xiao gang Feng's the first prize,and joined in the Xiao gang Feng's advertised<>actress,started her own act. 2011 year,she joined in the <>qiner a act got some notice. 2013 year,the act<>lu zheng's act got the highest human qi;2013 year,the young's choice"years got the best of the popular actress prize. Zanilia Zhao 2014 Fu bu si China famous person the top 80. 2014year,stayed in the Jin ying's TV art festival got the goddess. 我最喜欢的演员赵丽颖 赵丽颖,1987年10月16日出生于河北廊坊市,中国新生代女演员,海润影视青年演员 。
2006年,参加雅虎搜星,获得冯小刚组冠军,并担任冯小刚执导的千万广告大片《跪族篇》女主角,开始自己的演艺道路 。2011年,因为出演《新还珠格格》中的晴儿一角受到关注 。
2013年,出演电视剧《陆贞传奇》中陆贞一角而获得更高人气; 2013年在“青春的选择”年度盛典上获得内地最受欢迎女演员奖 。赵丽颖荣登2014福布斯中国名人榜并位列前80名 。
2014年,在金鹰电视艺术节金鹰女神投票中获得女神的荣誉 。
2. 赵丽颖个人资料 用英语 Name: li-ying zhaoEnglish:Nickname:Gender: femaleBirthday: 1987-10-16Sign: libraBlood type: type ALi-ying zhao height: 165 cmWeight: 42 kgMeasurements:Nationality: China (mainland)Career: actorBirthplace: hebei langfangIn langfang city school: electronic information engineering collegeOut of time:Li-ying zhao's brief introduction:Li-ying zhao, 2006 attended the yahoo search star game, with the good performance and popular support, eventually feng group championship; Be signing huayi artist. And dubbed von girl.姓名:赵丽颖英文:昵称:性别:女生日:1987-10-16星座:天秤座血型:A型赵丽颖身高:165CM体重:42KG三围:国籍:中国(内地)职业:演员出生地:河北廊坊毕业院校:廊坊市电子信息工程学院出道时间:赵丽颖简介:赵丽颖,2006年参加了雅虎搜星的比赛,凭借良好的表现和大众的支持,最终获得冯小刚组冠军;成为华谊公司的签约艺人 。
并冠以冯女郎称号 。
3. 用英文描写杨洋和赵丽颖外貌 A poker face, high nose a perfect curve, from the side of clear eyes, long eyelashes cast three shadows
一张扑克脸,高挺的鼻梁从侧面勾勒出完美的曲线,眼睛清澈,长睫毛投下三分的阴影 。
【赵丽颖英文怎么写】A poker face, high nose a perfect curve, from the side of clear eyes, long eyelashes cast three shadows.
Zhao Liying's face is quite thin and very little of that, her facial features is very beautiful, straight and pretty nose, round big eyes double fold, mouth I think all stars are a kind of, this is not what to say
Zhao Liying's body and most of the stars are almost, thin waist, long legs
4. 用英文描写杨洋和赵丽颖外貌 A poker face, high nose a perfect curve, from the side of clear eyes, long eyelashes cast three shadows 一张扑克脸,高挺的鼻梁从侧面勾勒出完美的曲线,眼睛清澈,长睫毛投下三分的阴影 。
A poker face, high nose a perfect curve, from the side of clear eyes, long eyelashes cast three shadows. 赵丽颖的脸型是比较瘦的而且很小的那种,她的五官很漂亮,又直又挺的鼻梁,圆圆的双眼皮大眼睛,嘴巴的话我觉得所有明星都一个样,这没什么好说的 Zhao Liying's face is quite thin and very little of that, her facial features is very beautiful, straight and pretty nose, round big eyes double fold, mouth I think all stars are a kind of, this is not what to say 赵丽颖的身材和大多数女星也差不多,细细的腰,长长的腿 Zhao Liying's body and most of the stars are almost, thin waist, long legs 。