
1. 怎么仿写英语作文 学习都是从模仿开始的,就像婴儿模仿大人讲话,走路,吃饭等等,你要仿写英语作文,无非就是想提高英语写作能力 。既然你都能想到仿写了,说明你已经迈进一小步,另一部份就是方法问题了 。方法有很多,只要你选择其中一种并且坚持下去,才能见效果 。
1,找规范的英语作文(一定要规范的),先看题目,自己写一遍,再看原文怎么写的 。
2.对比自己写的与原文写的,差距在哪里,看同样的意思,原文怎么表达,你觉得比你写的好,你就记住,背下来 。
【英语仿写怎么写】3.看原文的句子结构,自己拿来套用,多用才能有效果 。
2. 英语仿写 2A where is he ? B He's in the dining hall. A Is he making jiaozi? B No,he isn't. A What is he doing? B He is having lunch.3A where are they? B They are on the playground. A Are they playing basketball? B No,they aren't. A What are they doing? B They are playing soccer.4A Where are they? B They are in the gym. A Are they running? B No,they aren't. A What are they doing? B They are swimming 。
3. 仿写英语作文 A
Chen:What are you going to do after school?
Mike:I want to buy a pair of shoes.Where is the shoe store?
Chen:It's next to the hospital.
Mike:How can I get to the hospital?
Chen:You can go by the NO.301 bus.Get off at the cinema.Then walk straight for three minutes.The hosital is on the left.
Mike:Thank you.
Chen:You are welcome.
Dear Amy,
please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday.Now let me tell you how to come:
1.Start from the bus stop in front of our school.
2.Take NO.17 bus.
3.Get off at the post office.
4.Walk east for three minutes.
5.Find the white building on the left.
6.Look for me near the door.
4. 英语句子仿写 【I am a girl. I like English very much. I often go to school by bike. I am going to be a teacher. My best friend is Rachel. She is going to be a nurse.】翻译:我是一个女孩 。
我很喜欢英语 。我经常骑自行车去上学 。
我要成为一名老师 。我有一个好朋友叫Rachel. 她要做一名护士 。
祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~ 。
5. 仿写英语作文 是写回信吗?Dear Jim,Thanks for your last letter.here are three photos of my family.Well,in the first picture,my mother Alice is buying milk.And my brother is in the second picture.He is playing basketball at school.And a girl is in the third pictuer.Who is she?Well,she is my sister,Lisa.She is reading.Do you like my family?Yours,Bob 。

