
1. '恐怖'的英文是什么 都用形容词性回答吧 。
2. 可怕用英语怎么写 terrible; fearful; awful; dreadful; scary; frightful
appalling 指既令害怕又使人惊异、胆寒 。
afraid 指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事 。
frightful 指使人陷入短暂的惊恐或产生毛骨悚然的感觉 。
terrible 侧重指给人以长久的惊骇,极端的恐怖,令人难以忍受 。
terrific 多指外表、形状或力量等的可怕 。
fearful 普通用词,既指外界情况变化而引起的恐惧,又指来自内心的害怕与焦虑 。
horrible 指因骇人听闻的丑恶而令人毛骨悚然,着重厌恶的成分多于害怕 。
dreadful 指使人非常恐惧,毛骨悚然,也使人感到讨厌而退缩 。
awful 指威严得令人害怕或敬畏,有一定的感情色彩 。
3. 关于恐怖的英语短文2或3分钟长谁能帮我写啊 We are One Last year, it was a rainy night, I stopped at State Road back to the car Chongqing, now in retrospect, that should be the vehicles are broken old buses, cars are empty, in the last car of a row of a girl sitting her beside a vented Block, I have to ask her : "This place I can sit? "She smiled the Dianledian first, she really, the U.S. is a bit Surprise, She's wearing a brightly dressed, for the nature of a man, so she and I will talk up, she and I -- some of my thoughts. She listened to the very Lin, said she feels there are still some feelings of the Department, then she also opened the phonograph, she said : "I 22 years old this year, was painful, in my five-year birthday, my father suddenly came to me and the I said that we would leave tomorrow mother, told me not to despair, then I also small, and not much. On the morning I heard the news her mother passed away, I watched God use a surprised father, he just told me painfully to laugh. It was so my father, my brother and also took three years, in my 10 birthday, the night his father broke down in tears, said to me : "Tomorrow we leave our brother." I asked : "What happened to my brother? "Dad said :" My mother where to. "At that time I did not care. "" "The next day, my brother baffling to leave the world, I feel the fear, find my father, my father in a cold look upon me, saying no, the next few years, I really good, but in my 15th birthday that day, the morning of his father's home Everything ran well, he had me a birthday, the night he suddenly said to me : "Dad also leave you tomorrow, you have to go beyond good. "He put my hands a letter handed to me :" 20th birthday then you open the letter, all will have all the answers. "I am afraid, I am afraid my father said everything is really, really from my father left the next day, in Riverside, they found his body. Then getting her tears, she continued to say : "I do a person alone to live, and after three years, Kang walked into my life, I love him, we live in one, it is so again after a year, suddenly one day bury missing, I trace could be all the places have failed to find him, I sad. Finally turned a 20, birthday that night, I opened the document father left my letter reads : Lianer, I know that a few years you suffer, but in your 18 years, you will understand a man, but a year later he will leave you, you do not have to find him, because you simply can not find him, tomorrow our family can be reunited. I have heard here, myself fighting a cold war, I asked her once, "You old this year? "She sued V. me : "22 years old, is now home to me very well. "All of a sudden I out all fate, why was that up to now I have someone else come, I look around a bit, found around the face without expression, I try to windows roof, rain, very large, blurred my sight, I loudly asked the driver :" What car? "Division Planes did not answer. He did not feel as if my presence, I suddenly find that old girls, she passed, I also read about four weeks, she had to sit at my other side. "Drivers parking !!!!" I cried out, the car stopped, I jumped out to a forward, a step the air, all to fall in the pool, I immediately lost all feeling, only faintly-find themselves in floating. The next day, after a car from the roadside, I discovered that I awake from the grasp of a person who asked : "I still alive? "They used a baffling eyes watching me watching me : : 我们是一家人去年,那是一个雨夜,我在国道上拦了一辆车回重庆,现在回想一下,那应该是辆很破的老式客车,车子很空,在车子的最后一排坐着一位少女,她旁边有一排空座,我走过去问她:“这个位子我可以坐吗?”她微笑的点了点头,她很美,美得有点让人惊讶,她穿着一条素色的长裙,出于一种男人的本性,于是我便和她聊了起来,我和她聊了一些我的往事 。