
1. 毁灭与拯救用英语怎么写 汉英地质大词典毁灭perdition 新汉英法学大词典毁灭destroy devastate doom exterminate ruin 汉英航海大词典毁灭bring to naught brought to naught come to ruin do destruction to go boom go to ruin go to smash go to the bottoms go to the dogs gone to the bowwows pigs and whistles split upon a rock undoing unmake went to the bowwows 汉英化学大词典毁灭bring to naught brought to naught dissolve fate fated go to the bottoms go to the dogs gone to the bowwows overthrow overturn pigs and whistles ruin ruined shatter split on a rock split upon a rock undone went to the bowwows 汉英经贸大词典毁灭fate undoing unmake went to the bowwows 汉英计算机大词典毁灭downfall fate fated pigs and whistles undone 汉英建筑大词典毁灭overturn perdition ruin shipwteck 汉英能源大词典毁灭ruination 汉英水利大词典毁灭death 汉英石油大词典毁灭gone to the bowwows ruination went to the bowwows 汉英船舶大词典毁灭bring to naught destrucion do destruction to go to the dogs split upon a rock ***朗文汉英综合电脑词典拯救rescue 汉英航海大词典拯救reclaim from redeem from 。
2. “拯救我们的家园”用英语怎么写 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:
save our homeland.
3. 英语该怎么拯救 首先你要培养你的兴趣 例如
这三者是有内在联系的,音标是基础,能读了才好记 。单词基础有了,你就能看得懂句子,然后对话啊文章你就可以看懂了(一旦出现这样的飞跃你的心里一定会狂喜不已,很有成就感) 。
再就是 尽量用英语造句 经常和朋友或同学用英语交谈 从日常谈起 不用造特定的会话情景
直接见面聊天就用英语 不会的可以用汉语代替 但要使句型不错
还可以经常看些英语字幕的电影 最好是 汉英2字幕的 可以学下句型之类的

