
1. 百合的英语作文 In the plant kingdom there is a representative of purity and solemnity of the flowers, it grows beautiful flowers beautiful, slender body is like a slim slender woman, the petals curl slightly downward to form a beautiful lily. I remember it was a Sunday, in accordance with common practice in the district where my morning run, I discover a plant stand, bamboo leaves like the lily. I squat body, carefully observed that the pure white, "Ella cents in," suffused with fresh green leaves, delicate white flowers newly sprung, and this is my first time so close and enjoy a bouquet of lilies gaze flowers. I have no time to jog, go home now find information online. In fact, the former born in the vast land of lilies, as early as the 4th century AD, people only lily as a medicine, used to treat lungs cough, Ning Anshen, beauty, anti-cancer, passed China's lily to the world, too, loved by the people, to the 12th century, Chile also positioning lily flower, encourage the people to fight for national independence and economic prosperity in the struggle. Lily has a very pure mythological legend. Serpent tempted Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit, Eve can not help but leave more than remorse sad tears, tears fall to the ground into fragrant white lilies. I recovered, I ran downstairs to find a kindred Lily。
。Look! It is swaying the sun, it was delicate petals, beautiful shape, a bit like a fairy in flowers and the moon dancing, elegant, graceful, and those who Hanbaoyufang children are shy in the bud head down, as if a shy girl, hide their faces and laugh. In fact, every person has a heart flower seeds, flower seeds can grow each a pure lily, heart of the land is moist and fertile, as long as willing to pay, sweat always watering the beautiful lily.在植物王国里有一种代表纯洁与庄严的花朵 , 它长着美丽娇艳的花朵 , 细长细长的身体犹如一位亭亭玉立的女子 , 花瓣微微向下卷曲 , 构成了美丽的百合花 。
记得那是一个周日 , 我按照常例在小区里晨跑 , 无意间发现了植株挺立 , 叶似翠竹的百合花 。我蹲下身子 , 仔细的观察这洁白无暇的“云裳仙于” , 清新的叶子泛着绿意 , 洁白的花朵初绽娇嫩 , 、这是我第一次这么近距离的凝视与欣赏一束百合花 。
我顾不上继续晨跑 , 回到家立即上网查找资料 。其实百合花原出生于神州大地 , 早在公元4世纪时 , 人们只将百合作为药用 , 用来治疗润肺止咳 , 宁心安神 , 美容养颜 , 防癌抗癌 , 中国的百合花传到世界各国后 , 也深受人民的喜爱 , 到了12世纪 , 智利还把百合花定位国花 , 激励人民为争取民族独立和经济繁荣而斗争 。
纯洁的百合还有一个极具神话色彩的传说 。亚当夏娃受蛇诱惑吃下禁果后被逐出伊甸园 , 夏娃悔恨之余不禁留下悲伤的眼泪 , 泪水落地后化成洁白芬芳的百合花 。
我回过神来 , 跑下楼找到了那株百合花 。。
瞧!它沐浴着阳光随风摇曳 , 它那娇柔的花瓣 , 优美的形态 , 宛如一位位闭月羞花的仙女在翩翩起舞 , 高贵典雅 , 婀娜多姿 , 而那些含苞欲放的花骨朵儿则羞羞答答的低着头 , 仿佛是一位害羞的少女 , 掩面而笑 。其实每个人的心中都有一粒花种 , 每一粒花种都能长出纯洁的百合 , 心灵的土地是湿润而肥沃的 , 只要肯付出 , 汗水总能浇灌出美丽的百合 。
(有点多!!)不过要选我哦 , 选我!!~~~~~ 。