
1. “亲吻”的英文字母怎么写 kiss
英 [k?s] 美 [k?s]
vt.接吻;轻拂;轻微碰撞 。
vi.接吻;轻触 。
第三人称单数: kisses 复数: kisses 现在分词: kissing 过去式: kissed 过去分词: kissed 。
1、V-RECIP 吻;亲吻 If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye.
Kiss is also a noun.
I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss.
我抱着她吻了她一下 。
We gave each other hugs and kisses every morning.
我们每天早晨都拥抱亲吻对方 。
2、VERB 轻吻(以示尊敬) If you kiss something, you touch it lightly with your lips, usually as a sign of respect.
The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor 。这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手 。
3、VERB 轻拂;轻触 If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently.
The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway.飞机的轮子轻触跑道 。
4、PHRASE 飞吻 If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, 。
and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection.
Maria blew him a kiss.
2. “亲吻”的英文字母怎么写 kiss 英 [k?s] 美 [k?s] vt.接吻;轻拂;轻微碰撞 。
vi.接吻;轻触 。n.吻;轻触;小糖果;蛋白甜饼,球形饼干 第三人称单数: kisses 复数: kisses 现在分词: kissing 过去式: kissed 过去分词: kissed 。
1、V-RECIP 吻;亲吻 If you kiss someone, you touch them with your lips to show affection or sexual desire, or to greet them or say goodbye. Kiss is also a noun. I put my arms around her and gave her a kiss. 我抱着她吻了她一下 。We gave each other hugs and kisses every morning. 我们每天早晨都拥抱亲吻对方 。
2、VERB 轻吻(以示尊敬) If you kiss something, you touch it lightly with your lips, usually as a sign of respect. The men stepped forward to kiss the hand of their mentor 。这些男子走上前去轻吻他们导师的手 。
3、VERB 轻拂;轻触 If you say that something kisses another thing, you mean that it touches that thing very gently. The wheels of the aircraft kissed the runway.飞机的轮子轻触跑道 。4、PHRASE 飞吻 If you blow someone a kiss or blow a kiss, you touch the palm of your hand lightly with your lips, 。
【亲吻的拼音怎么写的】 and then blow across your hand towards the person, in order to show them your affection. Maria blew him a kiss. 玛丽亚给了他一个飞吻 。
3. 吻的繁体字怎么写
吻 [ wěn ]:嘴唇;用嘴唇接触表喜爱、亲热;动物的嘴
1. 口吻 [ kǒu wěn ] :嘴唇;嘴;某些动物头部向前突出的部分;说话时流露出来的感情色彩;口音;腔调
2. 亲吻 [ qīn wěn ] :因爱慕而以唇接触
3. 吻合 [ wěn hé ] :完全符合;把器官的两个断裂面接起来
4. 馋吻 [ chán wěn ]:馋嘴
5. 飞吻 [ fēi wěn ]:吻自己的手,再作抛掷给对方状,以示情爱
1. 他那严肃的口吻,就像在战场上下达命令 。
2. 人们的认识与客观事物相吻合就叫做智慧 。
3. 社会风气越来越开放,从前男女拥吻被视为咄咄怪事,现在则已经见怪不怪 。
4. 田园也不例外,高粱都垂下它的腰,像要亲吻大地 。麦田里,麦穗儿粒粒饱满,金黄金黄的 。风一吹,麦浪滚滚,让人心旷神怡 。
5. 据介绍,脊吻又名鸱吻、鸱尾、正吻等,是中国古代大型建筑屋顶正脊两端的特有装饰,用来表示这类建筑的重要地位,有辟除火灾之意 。