
1. 拍手的英文怎么读 clap
英 [kl?p] 美 [kl?p]
vi. 鼓掌,拍手;啪地关上
vt. 拍手,鼓掌;轻轻拍打某人
n. 鼓掌;拍手声
n. (Clap)人名;(西、英)克拉普
1、Clap sticks 敲敲木
2、go clap 是拍手 ; 去拍 ; 去拍手 ; 正在翻译
3、clap twice 击掌两次 ; 两次鼓掌
4、protecting clap 保护夹
5、clap collar 夹紧轴坏
6、clap in 带上 ; 关进
7、clap clap 厉害
8、clap noiselessly 无声地拍手
9、clap gratefully 激动地拍手
1、I was about to clap as well, when car headlights from the driveway suddenly arced across the room.
我也正要鼓掌,这时私人车道上突然划过一道汽车的灯光,形成弧形掠过房间 。
2、When I walked into the state Capitol, a hometown crowd was there to clap, cheer, and hug me for my performance.
【拍手拼音怎么写】我走进州议会大厦的时候,一群来自家乡的民众聚集在那里为我的表现鼓掌,喝彩,并且给我拥抱 。
3、I can tell that people like it this way because they clap loudly.
我能看出人们喜欢这样,因为他们会大声鼓掌 。
4、I wouldn't even want them to clap for me.
我根本都不想让他们为我鼓掌 。
5、She is about to teach them how to clap.
她将要教这些观众如何鼓掌 。