
1. 考试英语作文怎么写 Lucy is my best friend.She is studying in 14 high school and her home is not far from school. She often go to school by bike,but she walks to school sometimes. Lucy is a good student,she arrives at school very early,meanwhile she never arrive late for class.What is more ,she studies very hard.Of course ,Lucy is my best friend. Her eyes are black. She wears long and black hair. Luckily,we both like reading and listening to music. Lucy is very tall and of course is taller than me.She is quieter than me,so I am outgoing ,and I am funnier than her. 。
2. 如何写好英语考试作文~ 如果你是一个高中生,想在作文里面得到高分,那么光把句子写对是不够的,应该多用些从名,或者如果你不会写从名,就多用些你However、especally等之高级词汇,这样的单词会帮助你的加分,如果文中提到的句子你不会翻译或者不确定是否能正确翻译,千万不能写上去,你可以把它换成另外一个意思,比如要你写通过做兼职工作得到很多的社会经验,更了解社会,假如你不会写社会,不会写经验怎么办呢?你可以把它换成通过工作,你学到了很多东西,对你的生活和学习都有很大帮助,这样简单的句子我想大家都会写,总之,尤其不能写错句,字数要按它的规定来写 。
3. 有关怎么准备期末考的英语作文不要复制,字数在150以上写的是英语 期末考试的英语作文其实就是我们平常发生的那些事,告诉你个方法吧,也是上学时老师告诉我们的,就是平常遇到的一些好的句子你把它抄下来,然后记住,多积累点,等到你考试的 时候就会下笔如有神了,遇到类似的名言名句或者谚语啥的就写在一个本子上,到时候你就不用为要求多少个单词以上而发愁了,止都止不住,还有有就是没事了多读读英语书上的课文,真的.还有就是各种类型的作文,你都事前写好或者在书上拿下来一篇,到考试时肯定是这些类型之内的!相信我,我们老师就是这么要求的 ,而且我们班的 英语成绩都很高,主要是我们的英语老师很好很好.方法也好!希望可以帮助你,这些都是我的亲身经验 。
4. 考试的英语作文怎么写 Different people have different opinons towards current exams.There are two views conerning exams.Some people supporting it insist that exams are of great help for contemporary society to test our students.Besides,still some against the view believe that the exam is not a good way to select gifted people.The exam is one,in their opinon, that can't bring out students' thorough ability.As a matter of fact , so many advantages do the exam have that we can't deny its uses.On one hand,it can show what students have mastered during the study.On the other hand,the exam also offer students the chances to show their talents.Besides,it can help us build up our ability to cope with fierce competition,which is a must now.On my point of view,every coin has two sides.Generally, the exam is necessary and of great help.But it goes without saying that it has some disadvantages.For instance,it may not be equel.Beacuse some giftes students can't do well in exams.As a result,they may lose a good chance to make contributions to society. 。
5. 如何写英语作文,至少100字 1. 收集好的高级的词汇;
2. 平常多背些经典的英语短语和经典句子;
3. 有的时候高级的表达方式记得不清楚就不要使用,用简单正确的句式来替换;
【英语考试作文怎么写】4. 注意书写和卷面整洁;
5. 一般英语作文不要写得太长,分3到4段最好;
6. 段落或句子前面尽量用些经典的连词或者从句引导;
7. 作文语句要连贯,简洁但精炼地反映主题 。
我想,楼主做到了这些,作文会上一个很大的台阶 。
