
1. 用英语写的一封电子邮件 Dear David,
It's very gald to recive your e-mail.You told me you will come to China to study.It's great!I think you must want to know how to learn Chinese well.OK,let me tell you.First,you should listen to teachers carefully.Then,listen to Chinese very often,it will help you improve your pronunciation.Finally,you should read Chinese every.
If you do them carefully,I think you can study Chinese well!
Wang Ming
2. 写一封英文邮件 To whom it may concern,
【写一封英文邮件怎么写】Due to some changes of my itinerary. Here would like to have your kind assistant in cancel the reservation made under my name, John Smith, on 5th Dec 2008 (for two single bedrooms).
My apology for this and would like to check if there is any penalty charge incur.
Your kindly reply is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
3. 帮忙写一封英文邮件 Dear XXX,
Hope you are doing well.
I am planning to continue my study in XXX(country), and attached is my personal statement. Could you please kindly look through my paper, and revise accordingly.
This is an important document in my application. I have tried my best to write, and I know there must be many places need to be corrected.
It will be great if you can return me on (date). Thank you a million for helping me out.
Best Regards,
4. 想给客户写一封英文邮件,怎么开头和结尾才会显得专业一点真诚一点 在职场中很多时候需要写英文邮件 , 如何在写英文邮件的时候也能够让对方感受到你的专业和诚意呢 , 以下是我的一点见解 , 希望能对你写英文邮件的时候能有所帮助 。
首先就是邮件如何开头 , 如果是中文开头可能你直接写您好没有任何问题 , 但是思元觉得外语邮件如果开头也这么写未免会显得有点生硬 。建议你英文邮件可以以感谢读者的方式 , 这样会让读者看到邮件的第一眼心情愉悦 , 例如以下几种开头方式:
1、Thank you for contacting us.这种通常适用于回复来信询问公司业务 。
2、Thank you for your prompt reply.一般用于别人及时回复你时的邮件中 。
3、Thank you for providing the requested information.当你给别人发送询问邮件时使用 。
4、Thank you for all your assistance.别人给了你帮助时你可以这样回复 。
其次就是邮件的结尾了 , 尤其是寻求别人帮助的邮件结尾一定要再次表示感谢才能让人家看到你的诚意也能让别人更愿意帮助你 。可以使用以下几种结尾方式:
1、Thank you for your kind cooperation.需要别人帮你做事的时候 。
2、Thank you for your attention to this matter.本句包含了你对对方将来可能的帮助表示感谢 。
3、Thank you for your understanding.如果读者阅读了你的邮件有可能会有不好的情绪时可用此句结尾 。
4、Thank you for your consideration.求职或者寻求福利机会等时可以用这句结尾 。
5. 求助~如何写一封英文电子邮件 Dear Professor (教授的姓)
My name is____, an incoming student of yours. I have some concerns regarding your course. I'm wondering if there are books that you will recommend for me to read to help me better understand your lecture. I hope to be well prepared for your class. I am also wondering about works in your class as well. I want to know how often do we have to write essays, and approximately how long will they be. Thank you for your time and help, I will really appreciate it!
6. 怎样手写写一封英文邮件 Hello Sir,
你好先生 , 
How are you? This is XXX (你的英文名/ 或者名字的拼音) from China. I run an online store for many years.