
1. 请坐用英语怎么说 请坐用英语说是:Sit down, please.重点词汇sit英 [s?t] 美 [s?t] vi. 坐;位于vt. 使就座词组短语sit down 坐下;扎营sit on 开庭审理;成为…的一员;旁听;列席sit in 列席,旁听;参加;代理sit at 坐在…旁边sit back 休息;不采取行动扩展资料同近义词一、lie on位于;压迫;依赖;折磨短语lie down on 逃避工作和责任等lie hard on 压迫lie down on bed 躺倒在床上lie e on 依赖 ; 同~~接壤 ; 压迫 ; 折磨lie down on the table 趴在桌上二、be located on位于,坐落于例句1、This queue manager should be located on another node. 此队列管理器应位于另一个节点上 。
2、This complexity of logical and physical topology appears as a single directory tree (drive mapping), with sub-directories that may actually be located on remote servers. 把复杂的逻辑和物理拓扑显示为单一目录树(驱动器映射),其中的子目录实际上可能位于远程服务器 。
2. 请坐英文怎么说 一、sit down please 读音:英 [sit daun pli:z] 美 [sit da?n pliz] 请坐 例句: 1、Good morning, Ms Lin. Sit down please. 早上好,林女士,请坐 。
2、Thank you. Come in and sit down, please. 你可以进来了,请坐 。多谢!请进来坐会儿! 3、Would you sit down, please, in your chair? Can we see that? 请您做到椅子上好吗?能让我们看看吗? 二、have a seat 读音:英 [h?v ? si:t] 美 [h?v e sit] 坐下 例句: 1、Thank you. I'll have a seat. 谢谢 。
那我就坐下了 。2、I have a seat for her. 我要给她找个位子 。
provided by jukuu 3、Can I have a seat in the stalls? 能给我拿个靠前排的座位吗? 扩展资料: stand up 读音:英 [st?nd ?p] 美 [st?nd ?p] 起立;竖立;经久耐用;<非正>失约 例句: 1、I tried to stand up, but I was completely exhausted. 我企图站起来,可是已经筋疲力尽了 。2、I can't get the pole to stand up. 这杆子我竖不起来 。
3、Stand up, please. 请起立 。4、Stand up. Face the wall. 起立,面向墙壁 。
5、Stand up straight when you walk. 走路腰板儿要挺直 。
3. 请坐下用英语怎么读 请坐下用英语翻译是
sit down please
音标是英 [sit daun pli:z] 美 [sit da?n pliz]
1、What's your name, please? Stand up, please! Sit down, please!
2、Tax official: Sit down, please. Let us discuss it. Your nationality?
税务局:请坐 。请介绍一下您的国籍?
3、Come in, please! Sit down, please! Wait a moment, please! Have some tea, please!
4、Will you please sit over, so I can sit down? 'Please be seated', said the chairman.
请坐过去一点,让我坐下来,好吗?大家请坐下,主席说 。
5、'Oh do come in and sit down a minute, Susan, please,'said Polly.
“啊,请进来坐一会儿吧,苏珊!”波利说道 。
4. 请坐下用英语怎么读 请坐下用英语翻译是
【英语请坐怎么写】sit down please
音标是英 [sit daun pli:z] 美 [sit da?n pliz]
1、What's your name, please? Stand up, please! Sit down, please!
2、Tax official: Sit down, please. Let us discuss it. Your nationality?
税务局:请坐 。请介绍一下您的国籍?
3、Come in, please! Sit down, please! Wait a moment, please! Have some tea, please!
4、Will you please sit over, so I can sit down? 'Please be seated', said the chairman.
请坐过去一点,让我坐下来,好吗?大家请坐下,主席说 。
5、'Oh do come in and sit down a minute, Susan, please,'said Polly.
“啊,请进来坐一会儿吧,苏珊!”波利说道 。