
1. “无能” 用英文咋样拼写 impotent
This is
【无能的英文怎么写】necessary when nominal interest
rates get very
low, as they are
now, because Fed
policy becomes
impotent. 这里是 “联邦政策无力挽救局面” 的无能
Today investors worry
that these nations are so chronically uncompetitive, they can't grow fast enough to pay the future interest on that debt 。
这里也是 无能 的意思
2. “无能为力”英语怎么说 无能为力[wú néng wéi lì][词典] helpless; incapable of action; can do nothing for sb. (about sth.); cannot do anything to help[例句]Parents often feel helpless, knowing that all the cuddles in the worldwon't stop the tears 父母经常感到无能为力,因为他们知道无论多少次拥抱也无法止住眼泪 。

