
1. 写规章制度的英语小作文 校园规章制度:
1.The student must apply to the rules of the school in order to fit for the scool management system.
2. The student must care about the group and pay respect to all the teachers.
3. The students must obey to the rules when they come into the school. They must accept the rulers'inspection.
4. Don't speak aloud in the school. It's bidden for fighting and drinking.
5. Please save the water in the toilet and save the electric in the class.
【制度英语怎么写的】6. The students must clean the class every morning and after the class.
7. please come to school on time and it's not allowed the students come home eraly without allowence.
8. It's not allowed the students wear slippers and blouses.
2. 学校规章制度 英语作文 In the classroom ,you should listen to the teacher, you are notallowed to bring food into the classroom, you should keep the classroom quiet andclean.
After schoolyou should finish your homework on time.
3 in the school you should wear uniforms.
4 You must protect plants and trees in the school.
5 You should get on well withthe teachers and students.
3. 班级规章制度作文(英语) Being a member of our class. We should do something good for our class. Here is our classroom rules:
1: First , we should get to school on time, so please don't ge late for school.
2. Second, we must keep our classroom clean and tidy. when it is your turn to clean the classroom. do it well.
3. We must listen to the teacher carefully and take notes, try to take an active part in the activities in class.
4. We must finish doing our homework carefully and hand it in on time.
5. We shouldn't bring fireworks, cigarettes, wine scissors or dangerous weapons to school.
6. All injuries should be reported to our head teacher.
If everyone obey our classroom rules. we'll be a better class.
4. 用英文写一份校园规章制度 Don't shout in the class
Don't talk in the class
No running in the corridor
No eating in the class
Don't listen to the music in the class
1.The student must apply to the rules of the school in order to fit for the scool management system.
2. The student must care about the group and pay respect to all the teachers.
3. The students must obey to the rules when they come into the school. They must accept the rulers'inspection.
4. Don't speak aloud in the school. It's bidden for fighting and drinking.
5. Please save the water in the toilet and save the electric in the class.
6. The students must clean the class every morning and after the class.
7. please come to school on time and it's not allowed the students come home eraly without allowence.
8. It's not allowed the students wear slippers and blouses.
5. 小学初中高中大学的英语单词怎么写 中国的教育制度
义务教育 compulsory education
九年义务教育,包括初等教育与初级中等教育两个阶段 。免学费 。对象:凡年满七岁到十六岁的儿童少年均须入学接受义务教育!
中等教育 secondary education
普通中学分为:初级中学 junior middle school高级中学senior middle school. 年限各三年 。初中毕业生除读普通中学的高中部senior middle school之外,也可读如下学校:
农业中学 agricultural middle school,职业学校或职业高中 vocational school,技工学校 skilled workers training school,中等专业学校 technical secondary school 。
高等教育 higher education
高等院校 institutionof higher learning包括大学与专门学院 。高中毕业生通过高等院校全国统一招生考试 national examinationfor admission to institutions of higher learning后进入高等院校就读 。运用卫星、广播、电视等进行远程教学的广播电视大学universityover radio and television,高等院校所开设的函授和夜大学等均为推选成人高等教育highereducation for adults 。