
1. 交易英文怎么说 交易词性及解释 exchange; trade; bargain; deal; market; merchandise【经】 bargain; bargaining; buy; deal; dealings; sales transaction; tradetrading更多解释 相关词条 现金交易 交易清淡 公平交易 现款交易 实物交易 交易媒介 交易所 套头交易 作交易 现货交易 场外交易 日常交易 低价交易 内线交易 整批交易 转手交易 市场交易 沿岸交易 交易资料 外汇交易 易货交易 该解释由词友提供 , 仅供参考 。
【交易英语怎么写的】 免责声明 与 交易 相关的例句To conclude a business transaction 达成贸易交易To have dealings or commerce; traffic. 交易 , 做贸易;买卖horizontal surface over which business is transacted. 进行贸易交易的水平桌面 。The business of buying and selling commodities; commerce. 贸易买和销售商品的交易;商业Call off a deal( business) 取消交易tradings on an organized exchange 场内交易Black market transaction in foreign exchanges 黑市交易Deal in futures; futures business trading; forward business 期货交易bull and bear operations 多头交易与空头交易Transact business over the phone; transacting trade agreements. 在电话中进行交易;就贸易协定进行磋商 。
2. 购物英文怎么写 购物的英文为shopping ;buy;purchase;stock.
读音:英[???p??] 美[??ɑ:p??]
n.购物 , 买东西; 工作室 , 制作室; 车间; 家庭作坊;
vi.选购:为寻找商品或便宜货而逛商店; 到处寻找:为得到某物而寻找它;
例句:I'll do the shopping this afternoon.
今天下午我会去买东西 。
[其他]第三人称单数:shops 复数:shops 现在分词:shopping 过去式:shopped 过去分词:shopped.
读音:英 ['p?:t??s]
n. 购买;紧握;起重装置
vt. 购买;赢得
vi. 购买东西
[ 过去式 purchased 过去分词 purchased 现在分词 purchasing ]
例句:If you need others , we also can help you to purchase in China .
如果您还需要其他产品 , 我们也可以帮助在国内采购 。
现在分词:buying 过去式:bought 过去分词:bought
反义词:sell betray sale
1.买 , 购买
Mother bought me a pair of jeans.
母亲给我买了一条牛仔裤 。
If you say it's true, I'll buy it.
如果你说是真的 , 我就接受下来 。
We won't buy peace with our freedom.
我们不会用自由换取和平 。
It's a good buy.
买得真便宜 。
读音:英 [sel]
vt. 销售;推销;出卖;欺骗
vi. 卖;出售;受欢迎;有销路
n. 销售;失望;推销术
n. (Sell)人名;(德)泽尔;(英、芬、瑞典)塞尔
Catlin sold the paintings to Philadelphia industrialist Joseph Harrison.
卡特林把这些画卖给了费城实业家约瑟夫·哈里森 。
3. “买卖”的英文如何拼写 买卖的英文可翻译为transaction,business,sale,deal , 都有交换、交易的意思 。
The money he got from his father was the basis for a new business.
从他父亲那里得到的钱是他做新买卖的本金 。
The gipsy grumbled frightfully , and declared if he did a few more deals of that sort he'd be ruined.
吉卜赛人大发牢骚 , 抱怨说 , 这样的买卖要是再做几宗 , 他就要倾家荡产啦 。
Your conversation is like a dance in which you and the vendor are trying to getthe most out of a possible deal.