
1. 环境用英语怎么说 环境的英文:environment、circumstance 。
英 [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 美 [?n?va?r?nm?nt,-?va??n-]
They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish.
他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境 。
英 [?s?:k?mst?ns] 美 [?s?:rk?mst?ns]
Force of circumstance compelled us to close the business.
环境的压力迫使我们把公司关了 。
词义辨析:environment、setting、surroundings、background 。
An unhappy home environment can affect children's behaviour.
不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响 。
The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert.
这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景 。
The huts blend in perfectly with their surroundings.
这些棚屋与周围的环境浑然一体,非常和谐 。
The mountains in the background were capped with snow.
远处的山峦白雪覆盖 。
2. 环境用英语怎么说 环境的英文:environment、circumstance 。
一、environment 英 [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 美 [?n?va?r?nm?nt,-?va??n-] n.环境,外界;周围,围绕;工作平台;(运行)环境 They have created an environment in which productivity should flourish. 他们创造了一种可以大大提高生产力的环境 。二、circumstance 英 [?s?:k?mst?ns] 美 [?s?:rk?mst?ns] n.环境,境遇;事实,细节;典礼,仪式 vt.使处于某种特定的情况之下 Force of circumstance compelled us to close the business. 环境的压力迫使我们把公司关了 。
扩展资料 词义辨析:environment、setting、surroundings、background 。1、environment指影响人或事物的行为或发展的环境 An unhappy home environment can affect children's behaviour. 不幸的家庭环境可能对孩子的行为造成影响 。
2、setting指事情发生或所处的环境、背景 The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景 。3、surroundings指周围的环境 The huts blend in perfectly with their surroundings. 这些棚屋与周围的环境浑然一体,非常和谐 。
4、background指对主体事物起衬托作用的景物、背景 The mountains in the background were capped with snow. 远处的山峦白雪覆盖 。
3. 写一个保护环境的英语作文四十字左右 we know that environment is very important to us ,so we must protect our environment.we should do something to protect it ,for example,we can save water,plant more and more trees and so on.in a word,we must protect our environment! 。
4. 【英语作文:改善我们的环境】 How to improve our environmentWith the development of the economy,our environment is becoming worse.The air and the rivers are polluted.It is time for us to protect our planet .So what should we do?We should live green.In other words,we should adopt a green lifestyle.Companies should offer more and more eco-friendly products,which makes it easier than ever for every single person to do something,anything,to help preserve our planet.For example,companies can produce more eco-friendly cars.What should ordinary people do?First,we can start to use reusable bags for all shopping.Paper and plastic bags are hard to break down and pollute the air when they are burned .They also contribute to destroying ecosystems once they are thrown into the sea.For example,many plastic bags end up in oceans where they kill sea life.In fact,if we all used reusable bags instead of paper or plastic we could save over 500 billion plastic bags and 14 million trees worth of paper bags.Second,turn off the lights when you leave the room.You'll not only save money ,but you'll help save the environment as well.Finally,walk or bike when it's convenient to school or work.Take a bus if possible instead of driving a car.In this way,we can protect our environment.自己写的,仅供参考哦~ 。