
1. 报纸 用英语怎么写 newspaper
英 [?nju:zpe?p?(r)] 美 [?nu:zpe?p?(r)]
keep newspapers 保存报纸
print a newspaper 印刷报纸
publish a newspaper 出版报纸
daily newspaper 日报
evening newspaper 晚报
We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.
我们已经订阅了一份晚报 。
newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、每周出版的载有新闻的出版物 。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper 。
newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解 。
英 [?nju:zpr?nt] 美 [?nu:zpr?nt]
例句:Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the issue.
报纸大肆报道了这一事件 。
2. 求大神帮写一下关于推荐英文报纸的英语作文 Sunday th August Sunny Today was a horrible day to me! Ts morning when I got up,my mom told me to buy some medicine for her because she was sick.Although I don't really want to,I still went out to the drugstore. When I got to the 缉禒光溉叱防癸狮含饯drugstore,I went to buy the medicine immediately.Then I went home. On the way home,suddenly I found that I lost my key and the medicine.Oh my god!I had no choice so I can just went home sadly.My mom also scolded me really hard! What a horrible day!可能答案有点长,但是还是希望帮到你!望采纳!喔 还有就是,我现在学的ABC天卞英语中心的外教说过,就是想征服英语是轻松的 一定有个符合的学习情境跟进修口语对象 最关键就是外教水平 发音纯正才可以 保持天天口语练习 1对1家教式教学才能有很.好.的学习成效 。
课程结束后仍要重复温习录音文档 更可以加深印象;若真的是无对象可练习的状况下 最好能去旺旺或爱思取得课外学习资料学习 多问多听迅速的语感就培养起来,学习成效是必定迅速明显的 。
3. 英语高手进,八年级下英语报纸题,大号不知道干吗不能提问.只好用 1.--Why can't the fridge keep the fruits fresh?--Haven't you noticed that it has ______stopped working________(to stop working)?2.Many cities have long histories,___and for instance________(for instance)Beijing,Shenyang,and Xi'an.怀疑这题楼主打错了~for instance就是一介词短语,怎么处理都不能做连词使~3.You should_______take notice of______________(to take notice of)the way you speak.4._____quite a few____________(quite a few)children enjoy watching cartoons.5.________in place of_________(in place of)dancing,she sang two songs.6.There are five foreign teachers in our school____all together__________(all together).7.Don't trust him.He likes to______make fun of__________(to make fun of)on others.8.Who can use an easier method to________work out_________(to work out)this math problem?9.We should _____do something___________(to do something)to stop people pouring waste into the river.10.In order to keep safe,please remember to______keep in touch with__________(to keep in touch with)each other in the mountains楼主这什么题啊~这报纸~基本上括号里的就是答案~(为了尊重您的劳动成果,我把原题复制下来了~直接在上面写的)嗯,有一个要说,quite a few=many 哦 。

