
1. 过去,曾经用英文怎么写 过去曾经的英文翻译是once 。
音标:英 [w?ns] 美 [w?ns]
adv. 一次;曾经
conj. 一旦
n. 一次,一回
1、They cocktailed once every week.
他们每星期喝一次鸡尾酒 。
2、He once lived in Shanghai.
他曾经在上海住过 。
3、I have been there once.
我到过那儿一次 。
4、Once you start a task,you must bear it through.
你一旦开始一件任务,就必须把它完成 。
5、I have met her once.
我见过她一次 。
2. 过去的英文怎么写 您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:过去的翻译:pastbygonedepartedlapsed知识补充:过去的事了water under the bridge;water beneath the bridge过去的经验Past experience;past expenences过去的好时光The good old days;LE TEMPS DES FLEURS;Auld Lang Syne过去的日子Last date;times gone by;Old Blue;the old days过去的事THE PAST;bygone;history;Histories来自过去的毁灭Blast From The Past想过去的事recall;call to mind the past转述过去的行为Reporting Past Activities过去的做法past practice百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译. 。
3. 过去的英文怎么写 过去的英文单词是past 。
音标:英 [pɑ?st] 美 [p?st]
n. 过去;往事
adj. 过去的;结束的
prep. 越过;晚于
adv. 过;经过
over the past decade 在过去的十年里
past experience 过去的经验
past and present 过去与现在
half past 半点;过去一半
past month 上个月
1、We should often reflect on our past mistakes.
我们应当经常反省自己过去的错误 。
2、She tried to dissociate herself from her past.
她努力使自己与自己的过去决裂 。
3、The thief expressed penitence for all his past actions.
那盗贼对他犯过的一切罪恶表示忏悔 。
4、The story alluded to a mystery in her past.
故事影射她过去生活中的一个秘密 。
5、The train roared past.
火车轰鸣着驶过 。
4. 过去式的英语作文,上个月,上个周末你做了什么,用first·next· I had an interesting weekend last week.First,i joined the basketball game and our game won the first,so wonderfull!Next,i did some shoping with my best friend.we had a good time.Later on,when i got home,our family had a big dinner,and father praised me about my performing in the basketball game.Finally,i got a call from my unkle,he said he would visit our family and bring me a big gift,how great!包正确 。
5. 帮忙用英语写一篇作文“以前农村的生活”最好有中文翻译 ToTheChiefEditor, ChinaDaily 14January2000 DearSir/Madam Ihadthepleasureofreadinganarticleinyourpaperaboutchildreninruralareasbeingforcedtoquitschool.Thisaffectedmetremendouslyandmovedmetowritetoyou. Thereasonsforthisphenomenoncanbemainlyascribedtothefollowing: 1)povertyinthefamily 2)theneedtoassistthefamilytoearnincome 3)difficultyinlearningexperiencedbythechildren 4)unwillingnessofthechildrentogotoschoolonaccountofdistanceordisinterest. Withsomeoutsideassistance,mostofthesehurdlescanberemoved.Thechallengeistoorganizecontributionsfromdifferentquarterssothataconcertedeffortcanbemountedtosolvethisproblem. Aseachchildhastherighttoeducation,Iamverykeentomakeacontributiontohelpsolvethisproblem.Iwillgiveupmypocketmoneytothiscause.Idohopethatyouresteemedpaperwilltakeupthischallengeandorganizeaprogrammetohelptheseruralchildren. Thankyouverymuchforyourattention. Yourssincerely, LiHua 。

