
1. 马路的英语怎么说 马路的英语有:road; street;avenue;highway;riding 。
下面具体分析: 1、road 英 [r??d] 美32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333433626563 [ro?d] n.路;道路;公路;(用于道路名称,尤指城镇的)路;途径;方法;路子 复数: roads 例句:We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery. 在经济复苏的过程中,我们一定会经历一些曲折起伏 。2、street 英 [stri?t] 美 [stri?t] n.大街;街道 复数: streets 例句:He was streets ahead of the other contestants. 他比其他参赛选手水平高出一大截 。
3、avenue英 [??v?nju?] 美 [??v?nu?] n.(城镇的)大街;林荫道(尤指通往大住宅者);选择;途径;手段 复数: avenues 记忆技巧:a 加强 + ven 来 + ue → 让人们可以走来走去 → 大路 例句:Talbot was presented with 80 potential avenues of investigation. 给塔尔博特提出了80种进行调查的可能途径 。4、highway 英 [?ha?we?] 美 [?ha?we?] n.(尤指城镇间的)公路,干道,交通要道;公用通道 复数: highways 例句:He made a forced landing on a highway. 他迫降在了公路上 。
5、riding 英 [?ra?d??] 美 [?ra?d??] n.骑马;区(英格兰约克郡以前的东、西、北三个行政分区之一) v.驾驭马匹;骑马;骑马(消遣);骑;驾驶 ride的现在分词 例句:The next morning we went riding again. 第二天早上,我们又去骑马了 。。
2. 马路用英语怎么说 英文是:on the road.解释:on the road 英[?n e? ro?d] 美[ɑn ei r??d] [词典] 乘汽车旅行; 在走向…的路上; 巡回演出; 在马路上 [例句]A nail on the road punctured the tyre.在马路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了 。
A bus is parking on the road. 路上停着一辆公共汽车 。When he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in histruck 他在路上时,打到办公室的电话会转接到卡车里的移动电话上 。
The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormouspractical problems 搞如此大型的巡演,无论是技术上还是物流上都面临着巨大的实际问题 。One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approachingvehicles 他们中会有一人看着后面的路,提醒我们注意过来的车辆 。
3. 英语作文 怎样过马路 Crosses about the street to look!
Looked first toward the left side, when the road median line, then toward right looked, do not run, the bicycle street must certainly carry out, like is not ripe, but may also travel together with others, crosses the street together with others! Some zebra crossings walk the zebra crossing!
4. 作文怎么过马路用英语写六年级英语 Time flys.A week has been gone.This week I have nothing sepecial except helping an old lady across the road.I left home for school in a hurry on Monday morning,because I had flag-raising ceremony on that morning.When I was nearly arrived at sc缉粻光救叱嚼癸楔含盲hool,I saw an old lady whose hair is all white and she seemed didn't move smoothly.I worried about that she would have accidents without help.So I help her to go through the road.As a result,I was late for school,but I was very happy. 。

