
1. description该怎么写 1 外貌Appearance
He is handsome/ good-looking/ athletic/ muscular/ fat (Negative)/ overweight (Negative).
He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features.
She's pretty/ beautiful/ good-looking/ attractive/ plain/ slim/ plump/ thin (Negative)/ skinny (Negative).
S/he's in her / his mid-40s. / S/he is somewhere between 25 and 30 years old. / S/he's at least 30 years old. / S/he's 40 at the most.
S/he's tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall.
She has short hair/ medium length hair/ long hair/ long wavy dark hair/ long and straight hair/ short and curly hair.
He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face.
She has a slim/ plump/ sensitive face,
His forehead is high/ broad/ rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect.
Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent.
He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin.
2 服装
S/he's very well-dressed. / S/he likes to wear designer clothes.
He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie.
He looks very professional in a dark blue suit.
She looks very smart in a pale gray dress.
S/he always wears casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt.
3 性格
confident, modest, brave, cheerful, kind, friendly,
generous, honest, independent, reliable,
patient, outgoing, sensitive, decisive, ambitious,
punctual, sociable, easygoing, gentle, thoughtful,
【description怎么写】understanding, optimistic, frank, straightforward
Big-headed, bad-tempered, boring, bossy,
dull, dishonest, envious, fussy, impatient,
jealous, lazy, rude, mean, selfish, shy, timid, stubborn, careless, clumsy , greedy , conceited , pessimistic , aggressive , cruel
2. 英语作文description图表怎么写 Hello! My name is Tom , I'm a student of NO.7 Middle school , I like my school , because my school life is very interesting. I like my classmates and teachers. They are very friendly.
Classes begin at 8:00. I have four classes in the morning. I study English, Chinaese, math, biology, history and some other subject. I like English very much, I also like music. But I don't like geography at all. Because it's very boring. Do you think so?
I often have lunch at school, in the afternoon. I have four classes, too. After school, we have outdoor actives. I usually play basketball with my classmates and sometimes I read books at school library. You must keep quiet at school library.
There are so many beautiful flowers and trees at school gardens. And there are some apples on the trees, they are very delicious. I often go home on foot with my friends.
This is my school life. Do you like my school life? I think you must like it very much!
3. job description怎么写 您好:
job description
[英][d??b dis?krip??n][美][d?ɑb d??skr?p??n]
复数:job descriptions
A lot of recruiters report [ that] managers have difficulty sticking to the original jobdescription.
萨弗斯通表示:“许多招聘人员称,经理人很难坚持他们最初的职位描述 。
4. 网站的description怎么写 很多人一直纳闷为什么搜索引擎不收录自己首页的Description,已经把搜索引擎收录自己首页的Description成为一种梦想了,认为搜索引擎收录自己首页的Description是一种很幸运的事情,我要告诉大家的是,任何一个网站基本都能做到让搜索引擎收录自己首页的Description,做法很简单,只要按我的方法去写,99%都会被收录!