
1. 写小狗玩飞盘的作文 放学后,我和爸爸到庆春广场玩飞盘 。
庆春广场很大,有的人在放风筝,有的在滑旱冰,还有的人在树底下休息 。我和爸爸各站一边开始扔飞盘 。
风很大,我们扔出去的飞盘都被吹得东倒西歪,怎么抓都抓不住飞盘 。我试着沿地面飞行,没想到飞盘居然很平稳地飞了起来 。
滑行了一段时间后,慢悠悠地回到地面 。姿势很优美,就像一架大飞机从跑道上起飞然后降落一样 。
我告诉爸爸我的发现:风大的时候,飞盘飞低点;风小的时候,飞盘飞高一点 。这样,玩起来就很舒服了 。
果然,我和爸爸都玩得很开心 。爸爸还夸我观察真仔细呢 。
2. 介绍飞盘的说明文450字 我心爱的玩具,当然是要算那飞盘了 。
它挂在我家的墙壁上,是黄色的,有这么大(手势),是圆的,我可喜欢它了!这是爸爸上一次出差特地为我从外边买来的 。我高兴极了,翻过来,倒过去看个没完 。
我盼望着星期天快快到来,好让我玩一个痛快,星期天终于来了 。那一天,我和我的好朋友宏辉拿着我的飞盘往操场跑去 。
来到那里,我拿着飞盘,大声喊:“宏辉,接啊1”我“”的一下,飞盘就象没有翅膀的飞机一样,一会儿就飞到了宏辉跟前 。他眼疾手快,两手一压,拍的一下就把飞盘给捉住了 。
他拿起来,一个箭步,“吱”,飞盘又飞到了我这边 。这时,吹来了一阵狂风,飞盘忽高忽低,忽左忽右,我急得闪过来,闪过去的,眼看着飞盘就要落地了 。
我来个海底捞月,终于把飞盘接住了 。我的心里高兴极了1真是白沙糖拌蜜一样甜上加甜 。
最有意思的是那次刮大风,我又和宏辉去玩 。“吱”,飞盘飞得高高的,可真好看,忽然,我愣住了,心里真有说不出的滋味 。
怎么了?因为飞盘眼看着就要落在房顶上了 。这怎么办呢?正在我焦急之时,飞盘好象知道我这时难过的心情,这时它又慢慢地、慢慢地飘了下来 。
我高兴极了1啊,飞盘!我太喜欢你了,你是我心爱的玩具,因为你给我带来了无限的欢乐 。
3. 《我心爱的玩具一飞盘》作文240字 我心爱的玩具,当然是要算那飞盘了 。它挂在我家的墙壁上,是黄色的,有这么大(手势),是圆的,我可喜欢它了!这是爸爸上一次出差特地为我从外边买来的 。我高兴极了,翻过来,倒过去看个没完 。我盼望着星期天快快到来,好让我玩一个痛快,星期天终于来了 。那一天,我和我的好朋友宏辉拿着我的飞盘往操场跑去 。来到那里,我拿着飞盘,大声喊:“宏辉,接啊1”我“”的一下,飞盘就象没有翅膀的飞机一样,一会儿就飞到了宏辉跟前 。
他眼疾手快,两手一压,拍的一下就把飞盘给捉住了 。他拿起来,一个箭步,“吱”,飞盘又飞到了我这边 。这时,吹来了一阵狂风,飞盘忽高忽低,忽左忽右,我急得闪过来,闪过去的,眼看着飞盘就要落地了 。我来个海底捞月,终于把飞盘接住了 。我的心里高兴极了1真是白沙糖拌蜜一样甜上加甜 。最有意思的是那次刮大风,我又和宏辉去玩 。“吱”,飞盘飞得高高的,可真好看,忽然,我愣住了,心里真有说不出的滋味 。
怎么了?因为飞盘眼看着就要落在房顶上了 。这怎么办呢?正在我焦急之时,飞盘好象知道我这时难过的心情,这时它又慢慢地、慢慢地飘了下来 。我高兴极了1啊,飞盘!我太喜欢你了,你是我心爱的玩具,因为你给我带来了无限的欢乐:
4. 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 Flying discs (commonly called Frisbees) are disc-shaped objects, which are generally plastic and roughly 20 to 25 centimeters (8–10 inches) in diameter, with a lip. The shape of the disc, an airfoil in cross-section, allows it to fly by generating lift as it moves through the air while rotating. The name Frisbee is a registered trademark of the Wham-O toy company, but is often used generically to describe all flying discs. Flying discs are thrown and caught for recreation, and as part of many different flying disc games. A wide range of flying disc variants are available commercially. Disc golf discs are usually smaller but denser and are tailored for particular flight profiles to increase/decrease stability and distance. Disc dog sports use relatively slow flying discs made of more pliable material to better resist a dog's bite and prevent injury. Ring shaped discs are also available which typically fly significantly farther than any traditional flying disc. There are illuminated discs meant for night time play which use phosphorescent plastic, or battery powered light emitting diodes. There are also discs that whistle when they reach a certain velocity in flight. History The earliest known disc object to be thrown around was the chakram, which was used as a weapon in ancient India. In later times, flying discs were used for recreational purposes. The clay target used in trapshooting, almost identical to a flying disc in shape, was designed in the 19th century. The modern day era of flying discs began with the concept of designing and selling a commercially-produced flying disc. The Frisbie Pie Company (1871–1958) of Bridgeport, Connecticut, made pies that were sold to many New England colleges. Hungry college students soon discovered that the empty pie tins could be tossed and caught, providing endless hours of sport. Many colleges have claimed to be the home of "he who was first to fling." Yale College has argued[citation needed] that in 1820, an undergraduate named Elihu Frisbie grabbed a passing collection tray from the chapel and flung it out into the campus, thereby becoming the true inventor of the Frisbee. That tale is dubious, as the "Frisbie's Pies" origin is well-documented. Walter Frederick Morrison claims that it was a popcorn can lid that he tossed with his girlfriend (and later wife) Lu at a 1937 Thanksgiving Day gathering in Los Angeles that inspired his interest in developing a commercially-produced flying disc. In 1946 he sketched out plans for a disc he called the Whirlo-Way, which, co-developed and financed by Warren Franscioni in 1948, became the very first commercially produced plastic flying disc, marketed under the name Pipco Flyin-Saucer. Morrison had just returned to the US after World War II, where he had been a prisoner in the infamous Stalag 13. His partnership with Franscioni, who was also a war veteran, ended in 1950, before their product had achieved any real success. In 1955, Morrison produced a new plastic flying disc called the Pluto Platter, to cash in on the growing popularity of UFOs with the American public. The Pluto Platter became the design basis for later flying discs. In 1957, Wham-O began production of more discs (then still marketed as Pluto Platters). The next year, Morrison was awarded US Design Patent 183,626 for his flying disc. Knerr, in search of a catchy new name to help increase sales, and hearing of the colloquial name "Frisbie", gave the disks the trademarkable brand name "Frisbee" (which is pronounced the same as "Frisbie") on June 17, 1957.[1] Sales soared for the toy, which was marketed as a new sport. In 1964, the first "professional" model went on sale. Ed Headrick was the sales manager at Wham-O who patented the company's design for the aerodynamically improved modern Frisbee (US Patent 3,359,678). 。