
1. 绿巨人用英语怎么说【巨人英语怎么写】 Green Giant [gri:n ?d?a??nt] 双语例句: 1、That does not mean that China will become a green giant overnight. 那并不意味着中国将一夜之间变成一个绿色巨人 。
2、The exception is The Grinch, a not so jolly green giant who lives atop a mountain overlooking the town of Who. 在一个名叫Whoville 的小镇 , 人们都生活得恬静愉快 ,  也都很喜欢过耶诞节 , 除了一个人 , 这个人就是"圣诞怪杰" , 他是一个暴躁的绿色怪物 , 住在小镇旁的一个山顶上 。3、Obama's mother) took places behind a long table. When poolers entered at 4:32 p.m., the family was filling reusable, green Giant Food bags for people in need. 下午4:32 , 当领取食物的人们来到时 , 美利坚总统、第一夫人、玛利亚、萨莎和罗宾逊夫人(奥巴马的母亲)在长桌后面分发装满绿色谷物食品的可重复利用袋子 。
4、If they are right, then maybe Cook's green giant will be left to slumber peacefully after all. 如果他们猜测的对 , 那么库克所谈及的这位环保巨人最终还是会默默地沉睡过去 。5、Some of the movie websites think the green giant to be a little bit disgusting. 电影网站甚至认为 , “这个绿巨人丑得有点恶心 。”
2. 以巨人为题写一段话英语作文 In my opinion, money is not everything. Money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On the one hand, we can't deny that money is useful. We need money to buy food or a house or pay our education cost. Money can make us live more comfortably.
For example, with more money, we can help others and take part in more social activities and receive a good education, thus increasing our knowledge and developing our skills
3. 以语言上的巨人行动上的矮子为题写一篇英语作文怎么写 Time fly!The Children's day is my last one.I feel very excited,because it means that i would not a child anymore.In the special day ,i want to make a meal for my family .I really want they kenow that i grow up! So, I plan to do kung pao chicken and steamed fish which are my parent most favorite thing.And I knew they will buy a present for me as the usual,and then I will give a surprise to them ,too.I hope my last children is the day that thank my parent. 。

