
1. 重阳节快乐的英文怎么写 “重阳节快乐”的英文翻译为Happy Chongyang festival 。
1. 一条小路弯又长 , 是否看见那青砖碧瓦房 , 是否闻到那门前的桂花香 , 是否已收到来自远方的祝福 , 一条短信 , 一声祝福 , 都是那永久的幸福 , 重阳节快乐!
2. 秋天的重阳不公是春光胜似春光 , 时值霜天季节 , 却格外显得神采奕奕 。祝您老重阳节快乐 , 健康长寿!
3. 九九相逢是重阳 , 秋高气爽菊花香 。九九相随是重阳 , 天长地久岁月长 。九九相伴是重阳 , 好事成双不可挡 。九九归一是重阳 , 步步登高人吉祥 。重阳节快乐!
4. 九九重阳一杯酒 , 短信联系好朋友 。东篱把酒黄昏后 , 赏罢菊花香盈袖 。衣带渐宽因秋愁 , 人与黄花谁更瘦 。登高望远上西楼 , 千帆过后水悠悠 。赏菊插萸喝花酒 , 青山绿水好碰头 。接头暗号:重阳节快乐!
5. 生命的秋天是枫叶一般的色彩 , 虽然不是明媚春光却胜似 , 九月初九时值霜季 , 曾相识有天季节 , 却格外显得那么神采奕奕 。祝您重阳节快乐 , 健康长寿!
6. 一年一度重阳 , 祝福大不一样 , 生活喜气“阳阳” , 职场“阳阳”得意 , 幸福身边徜“阳” , 爱情沐浴阳光 , 心情阳光灿烂 。收下祝福吧!重阳节快乐!
2. “重阳节”英语怎么写 Double Ninth Festival
九九重阳节 Double Ninth Festival ; Traditional Chinese Festivals - Double-Ninth Day
重阳节步步高 Double Ninth Festival backgammon
庆祝重阳节 Celebrate Chung Yeung Festival ; Chung Yeung Festival celebration
重阳节重阳节 The Double Ninth Festival
农历九月初九重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival ; the Double Nin
重阳节的英文介绍 Double Ninth Festival
农历玄月初九重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival
你打算怎么度过重阳节 How do you intend to overweight Chung Yeung Festival
3. 重阳节的习俗用英语怎么说 Climb up The Double Ninth Festival the first ascent of customs, autumn in September, the fall, the season can be achieved Denggao Yuanwang feel fresh, fitness illnesses purpose. Eating Double-Ninth cake And the high associated with the custom of eating cake chongyang. Homophonic high and cake, as a festival of food, was first to celebrate the autumn harvest season, like food is intended to be civil, after eating the cake stand rise step by step in the world, taking the auspicious meaning.Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum The double ninth day, there has always been the custom tours chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum festival also known since ancient times. Commonly known as the lunar September September, chrysanthemum Festival organized by the general assembly, fashion Shangju people to attend the meeting. From the three countries since the Wei and Jin, Chung Yeung Festival gathering to drink, shangjufushi is a popular sport. In Chinese ancient customs, chrysanthemum is a symbol of longevity. Drink chrysanthemum wine The Double Ninth Festival, our country has drinks the chrysanthemum wine tradition. The chrysanthemum wine, is regarded as in the ancient times is the Chung Yeung will drink, dispel the disaster to pray "propitious liquor". The Han Dynasty have been a chrysanthemum wine. Wei Cao Pi had in the Chung Yeung chrysanthemum to giveZhong Yao, to wish him a long. The Ge Hong in "baopuzi" recorded in Henan Nanyang people in the mountains, due to drink chrysanthemum water over the students Gangu and prolong life.Liang Jian Wen"Picking chrysanthemums" is of "breathe out basket mining Ju bead, the dewy with Luo Nuo" of the sentence, but also adopt chrysanthemum wine. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the chrysanthemum wine still prevails, in the Ming DynastyGao LianThe "Zunshengbajian" still have documented, is a popular fitness drinks. Carrying dogwood Also popular in the ancient nine nine inserted Mastixia customs, so they called Mastixia section. Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses. Cornel and hairpin chrysanthemum in the Tang Dynasty has been very common. Dogwood, fragrance is thick, with anthelmintic to wet, for the role of evil, and can Xiaoji food, cold and heat treatment. People believe that September 9th is the day of luck, be dogged by bad luck, so in the Chung Yeung Festival people like wearing cornel to evil spirits and kyrgyzstan. Dogwood, therefore also known as the "evil"". 翻译 登高 重阳节首先有登高的习俗 , 金秋九月 , 天高气爽 , 这个季节登高远望可达到心旷神怡、健身祛病的目的 。