
1. 采访报道的英语作文怎么写 What has been described as the "heaviest rain in six decades" left at least 37 people dead and raised criticism about Beijing's infrastructure and the government's response to disasters.被形容为“六十年来最严重的大雨” , 造成至少37人死亡 , 并引起了对北京基础设施以及政府应对灾害的批评 。
The torrential downpour lasted 10 hours over the weekend, producing gusty winds and a tornado in one suburb, according to local media.据当地媒体报道 , 上周末倾盆大雨持续了10个小时 , 某个郊区还刮起了大风和龙卷风 。The deluge was the largest since 1951, when the state weather record was established, according to Beijing Morning Post, bringing about 6.7 inches of rain in some parts of Beijing, and as much as 18 inches in the suburban Fangshan district.据《北京晨报》报道 , 这次洪水是自1951年国家气象记录成立以来最大的一次 , 北京一些地区降雨量约达6.7英尺 , 并郊区的房山县则高达18英寸 。
Of the 37 deaths in Beijing, 25 people drowned, reported Xinhua. Another six were killed in collapsing houses, five were electrocuted, and one was hit by lightning, the agency reported, citing the municipal government.据新华社引用市政府的报道称 , 在这次洪水死亡的37人中 , 有25人溺水身亡 , 6人在房屋倒塌中身亡 , 5人触电死亡 , 和1人闪电击中 。The flooding killed 95 people and 45 were reported missing in 17 provincial areas of China, Xinhua reported. Nearly 6.23 million people were affected by the heavy rains, which started July 20.据新华社报道 , 这次洪水造成95人死亡 , 45人失踪在中国17个省级地区 。
7月20日开始 , 受到暴雨影响人数将近623万 。The deaths from the storm triggered a torrent of criticism, even from a state-run newspaper, as well as Sina Weibo, the popular Chinese microblogging site. Some social media users implied the number of deaths was much higher.这次暴风雨造成的死亡人数引发了一场批评洪流 , 从一家国营报纸到中国受欢迎的微博网站——新浪微博 。
一些社会媒体用户暗示 , 死亡人数要高得多 。CNN contacted Beijing's flood control office, municipal government emergency office and municipal meteorological bureau to get an updated death toll. The agencies said that they were too busy summarizing data and couldn't make comments at the time.中国新闻网联系北京防汛办公室 , 市政府应急办 , 市气象局 , 以获取更新的死亡人数 。
该机构说 , 他们忙于汇总数据 , 这时候无法作出评论 。Questions CNN sent by fax to the state meteorological bureau were not returned by Monday afternoon.中国新闻网通过传真发送到国家气象局的问题直到星期一下午都没有回应 。
Although the weather had cleared in Beijing by Sunday morning, the flooding remained a hot topic, with many expressing outrage over the deaths and what they perceived as a botched government response.The Global Times published an article stating that the downpour"exposes holes in the modernization drive." 虽然星期天早上北京的天气已经放晴 , 但是洪水仍然是一个热门话题 , 许多人对死亡表示愤慨 , 他们认为这是一个拙劣的政府响应 。《环球时报》发表的一篇文章指出倾盆大雨暴露了现代化建设中的漏洞 。
"In recent years, floods caused by rain storms have repeatedly occurred in Chinese cities. And the latest downpour in Beijing has stirred up a new round of skepticism on the quality of infrastructure amid rapid urbanization." “近年来 , 由暴雨引发的洪水已多次发生在中国的城市 。北京最近的这场倾盆大雨在掀起了对快速城市化进程中基础设施的质量的新一轮质疑 。”