
1. 关于打工经历英语作文【打工的英语怎么写】 During my summer holiday in 2013, I found a part-time job as a cleaner in KFC. I did not realize that it was not an easy job before I didit.
I had to work seven hours a day, which would last three weeks. The job was tiring and boring because I had to get up early and went to bed late. Every day I had to repeat the same work, which nearly made me mad. I almost gave it up, but finally I sticked it out until thenew semester began. The experience taught me a lesson that there is no free lunch.
I have to work hard to get what I want. So the experience is very meaningful and I know the value of labour.
2. 写妈妈打工的英语作文 is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version comes to my mind, "Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. " Actually I see pomegranates red and round on the stall in the market and the pcars big, yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn. The laurel trees give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way stralght into my nose. The brlght red canna are standing behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow.Then l can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground. At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun comes out, the droplets shine bright on the yellow leaves. What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my sub 。
3. 用英语写一篇暑假打工的短文 This summer, I got a job at +。(company/ Mcdonald / KFC) and served as a (+title).Firstly, I found it wonderful to live on my own: I don't need to ask my parents for money! I depend on myself, not on them any more. I have already become an grown-up person and have to be independent.
Secondly, through the part-time job, I learned the value of the money and became more economical. Just not to buy something expensive but not useful enough,like the marvelous souvenirs at some scenic spot which often cost people an arm and a leg .
The last point that is worth mentioning is , by working with other people with different backgrounds and values, I got a little bit working and social experience, especially learning how to get along with others well. Therefore, this experience can be a preparation for my first job.
In sum, I benifit a lot from the job!
4. 写一篇关于打工和学习哪个重要的英语作文 Should college students do part-time jobs?
In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school, while in other societies this is virtually unheard of. In the latter situation, students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their "job". In my opinion, students benefit more from a more balanced lifestyle, which may include working at a part-time job. Therefore, I believe that it is a good idea for students to work while studying.
While it is true that a student's most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fact, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a student's life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he works with.