
1. 用英文申请产前假,怎么写 Antenatal holiday application
I am near the time of birth, I have seven months already ( Due Date is on… 2012). Because my body is not well. I fell very tired during on duty and off duty by bus on my way to work. And my body has showed many symptoms, such as chest tightness, legs and feet were swollen, clonus and so on.). They are more and more bad. At the same time, the immunity becomes low of pregnancy woman, a fever always be happened. The rate of sick like that is very high. According to and some items from work attendance checking system of our company, I should apply for halt and tow months of antenatal holiday which it is enough 28 weeks when you pregnancy. In view of the fact that above, so I want to apply for the leave from …to… I'll expect the leadership to give an approval for it. Thank you very much!
【产前假怎么写】Apply herewith, expecting your approval
2. 用英文申请产前假,怎么写 Antenatal holiday applicationI am near the time of birth, I have seven months already ( Due Date is on… 2012). Because my body is not well. I fell very tired during on duty and off duty by bus on my way to work. And my body has showed many symptoms, such as chest tightness, legs and feet were swollen, clonus and so on.). They are more and more bad. At the same time, the immunity becomes low of pregnancy woman, a fever always be happened. The rate of sick like that is very high. According to < Shanghai women workers' labor protection measures > and some items from work attendance checking system of our company, I should apply for halt and tow months of antenatal holiday which it is enough 28 weeks when you pregnancy. In view of the fact that above, so I want to apply for the leave from …to… I'll expect the leadership to give an approval for it. Thank you very much!Apply herewith, expecting your approval 。
3. 什么是产前假,产前假工资如何发放 在实践中,还经常出现产前假的说法 。
在国家层面的法律文件中,并没有产前假的具体规定,与之相关的规定有两点:一是《女职工劳动保护特别规定》第六条规定,对怀孕7个月以上的女职工,用人单位不得延长其劳动时间或者安排夜班劳动,并应当在劳动时间内安排一定的休息时间 。二是第七条规定,女职工生育享受98天产假,其中产前可以休假15天 。
一些地方立法对产前假作了具体规定 。例如《上海市女职工劳动保护办法》第十二条规定,女职工妊娠7个月以上(按28周计算),应给予每天工间休息1小时,不得安排夜班劳动 。
如工作许可,经本人申请,单位批准,可请产前假两个半月 。《江苏省女职工劳动保护办法》第九条规定,怀孕7个月以上(含7个月)的女职工,一般不得安排其从事夜班劳动 。
在劳动时间内应给予工间休息1小时,并扣除相应的劳动定额 。上班确有困难者,经本人申请,单位批准,可休产前假60天 。
休假期间,其工资不得低于80% 。其他如海南、山东、福建等地也都有产前假的规定 。
4. 产前假是怎么定义的 在实践中,还经常出现产前假的说法 。
在国家层面的法律文件中,并没有产前假的具体规定,与之相关的规定有两点:一是《女职工劳动 保护特别规定》第六条规定,对怀孕7个月以上的女职工,用人单位不 得延长劳动时间或者安排夜班劳动,并应当在劳动时间内安排一定的休 息时间 。二是第七条规定,女职工生育享受98天产假,其中产前可以 休假15天 。
一些地方立法对产前假作了具体规定 。例如《上海市女职 工劳动保护办法》第十二条规定,女职工妊娠7个月以上(按28周计 算),应给予每天工间休息1小时,不得安排夜班劳动 。
如工作许可,经本人申请,单位批准,可请产前假两个半月 。《江苏省女职工劳动保 护办法》第九条规定,怀孕7个月以上(含7个月)的女职工,一般 不得安排其从事夜班劳动 。