
1. 英语中过河的两种写法 cross the river过河across the river过河过河词典[体]river crossing网络Across the River; Crossing the River; Cross the river他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河 。
They were guarding the bridge, so we forded the river. 你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了 。You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.杰克游过河去了 。
Jack swam across the river. 我过河时脚被桥上一块松动的木板夹住了 。My foot caught in a loose plank on the bridge while I was crossing. 你可以搭渡船过河 。
You can cross the river by ferry 。. 。
2. 英语中过河的两种写法 cross the river
across the river
[体]river crossing
Across the River; Crossing the River; Cross the river
他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河 。
They were guarding the bridge, so we forded the river.
你应该和我们一起过河,那时你就会了解实情了 。
You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what's what.
杰克游过河去了 。
Jack swam across the river.
我过河时脚被桥上一块松动的木板夹住了 。
My foot caught in a loose plank on the bridge while I was crossing.
你可以搭渡船过河 。
You can cross the river by ferry.
3. 青蛙过河 用英语怎么说 青蛙过河 用英语怎么说
1.短语:the frog that crossing the river./Frog crossing the river.(第二个更地道些!)
2.句子:The frog is crossing the river.
个人认为二楼的回答不太准确,因为goes across 一般有“走到对面”的意思,青蛙应该是游或者跳到对面的,所以应该改成:
The frog swims across the river.
或者The frog jumps across the river
4. 两个小孩过河的英语作文【过河的英语怎么写】 你好楼主··我自己些拉篇··你看看行不:这天,我看见拉两个小孩要过河 。
他们走到河的附近,一个小孩说:“你敢过去么?”另外个的小孩说:“我敢啊!你敢么?”那个小孩就说拉:“你敢我就敢 。”另外个小孩就说拉:“那好让我们渡河吧!”就这样他们两个小孩就小心翼翼的渡拉过去···看!他们现在孩子河的对岸笑嘻嘻的嬉戏呢!-----------One day, I saw two kids to pull over. They go to the nearby river, a child said: "you dare to past?" Another child said: "I'm! You dare?" The child said: "you dare I dare." Another child said: "let us cross the river!" So they two children carefully over past, see, pull,! Their children are now river and grinning play! 我希望对你的学习有帮助· 。

