
1. 7:40用英语怎么说 7:40用英语可以表示为: 1、seven forty 七点四十 2、twenty to eight 差二十分八点 3、forty past seven 七点过去四十分 拓展资料 seven forty 1. The restaurant doesn't open until seven forty - five . 饭馆要到 七点四十五分 才开门. 2. He had reason to be pleased with himself, since he was one of only seven out of forty candidates who were successful. 他有理由沾沾自喜 , 因为他是40个候选人里仅有的7名成功者之一 。
3. It was already dark when Celia walked to Forty - seven Park Street. 西莉亚步行去四十七号公园大街时 , 天色已黑. 4. I lost forty - seven pounds by being honest this morning. 今天早上就因为忠厚我损失了四十七镑. twenty to eight 1. After years of frustrated efforts I was wild to accomplish things - and twenty - eight years old. 过去几年 , 我劳而无功 , 到这时 , 已经 二十八 岁了.心中怀着强烈的欲望 , 想有一番作为. 2. Twenty - eight and we're going to take out thirty - seven, so that's five and three seven. 是28 , 我们扣掉37 ,  那么这里是5 , 然后37. 3. This week, Albania and Croatia officially joined NATO -- bringing the alliance to twenty - eight nations. 这周 ,  阿尔巴尼亚和克罗地亚正式加入北约 ---- 使联盟增加到二十一个国家. 4. Within twenty - eight months, Geneen replaced him with another man supposedly more to his liking. 二十八 个月内 ,  吉宁找了另一个大概他更喜欢的人替换了那个人. 。
2. 7:40用英语怎么说 7:40用英语可以表示为:
1、seven forty 七点四十
2、twenty to eight 差二十分八点
3、forty past seven 七点过去四十分
seven forty
1. The restaurant doesn't open until seven forty - five .
饭馆要到 七点四十五分 才开门.
2. He had reason to be pleased with himself, since he was one of only seven out of forty candidates who were successful.
他有理由沾沾自喜 , 因为他是40个候选人里仅有的7名成功者之一 。
3. It was already dark when Celia walked to Forty - seven Park Street.
西莉亚步行去四十七号公园大街时 , 天色已黑.
4. I lost forty - seven pounds by being honest this morning.
twenty to eight
1. After years of frustrated efforts I was wild to accomplish things - and twenty - eight years old.
过去几年 , 我劳而无功 , 到这时 , 已经 二十八 岁了.心中怀着强烈的欲望 , 想有一番作为.
2. Twenty - eight and we're going to take out thirty - seven, so that's five and three seven.
是28 , 我们扣掉37 ,  那么这里是5 , 然后37.
3. This week, Albania and Croatia officially joined NATO -- bringing the alliance to twenty - eight nations.
这周 ,  阿尔巴尼亚和克罗地亚正式加入北约 ---- 使联盟增加到二十一个国家.
4. Within twenty - eight months, Geneen replaced him with another man supposedly more to his liking.
二十八 个月内 ,  吉宁找了另一个大概他更喜欢的人替换了那个人.
3. 1~40的英文怎么说 1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
8 nine
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three
24 twenty-four
25 twenty-five
26 twenty-six
27 twenty-seven
28 twenty-eight
【740的英文怎么写】29 twenty-nine