
1. “王牌”用英语怎么说 王牌的英文表达:trump card
读音:英[?tr?mp kɑ?d] , 美[?tr?mp kɑ?rd]
释义:n. 王牌;绝招;杀手锏
trump card本来是纸牌游戏里的一个说法 , 当在一套游戏里界定一种花色或者组合为最强力的牌时 , 它们就被称为trump或者trumps , 也就是“王牌” 。
它最早是由triumph(胜利)变化32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333433623061而来的 , 后来使用范围越来越广 , 不光用来指纸牌 , 各种拥有特殊战略意义的东西都可以被称为trump , 可以理解为“秘密武器” 。
现在 , 它的适用范围更广 , 不光用来指有形的东西 , 也用来指无形的东西 , 比如策略 。既是名词性的 , 也可以活用成形容词:This strategy will be our trump card. 这个策略将会成为我们的王牌 。
读音:英 [d?'sa?d?(r)] , 美 [d?'sa?d?r]
释义:n. 决定者;决赛
例句:It is a league decider and we are at home so we want to have the final say.
这是联赛的决胜局 , 我们又是主场 , 因此我们希望一举搞定 。
读音:英 ['w?n?(r)] , 美 ['w?n?r]
释义:n. 获胜者
例句:The winner beamed with satisfaction.
【王牌对王牌英文怎么写】获胜者满意地笑了 。
2.求电影王牌对王牌的英文影评,谢谢 Conventional siege thriller, made better than expected by its actors
In terms of plot and story development, The Negotiator offers little that is new. It's a very conventional film. However, it gets a much needed injection from its cast, especially the two leads Jackson and Spacey, whose verbal exchanges are exciting and dynamic.
The far-fetched yarn introduces us to Chicago hostage negotiator Danny Roman (Samuel L. Jackson). Roman's partner Nate (Paul Guilfoyle) is brutally murdered just as he is about to expose a bunch of cops who have been stealing from the Disability Fund. All the clues at the scene of Nate's murder point to Roman being the guilty one. Danny is arrested for the killing, but he remains determined to prove his innocence. He violently besieges the Internal Affairs division of the Chicago P.D, taking several hostages at gunpoint, and proceeds to demand that his name be cleared. Hostage negotiator Chris Sabian (Kevin Spacey) arrives on the scene to talk Roman into surrendering his hostages.
The ease with which Jackson's character is framed for a crime he didn't commit is hard to believe, and his subsequent decision to take hostages in order to clear himself stretches credibility to the limit. The solution to the mystery - with the revelation of the real killer coming right at the end - isn't especially believable either. However, improbabilities aside, The Negotiator is an entertaining work. As mentioned, Jackson and Spacey's confrontations are quite dynamic and help to make the film compulsively watchable. Siege thrillers by their very definition are exciting, and this one is no exception. Granted, The Negotiator is totally conventional fare, but within its limitations it remains a well-crafted, absorbing and agreeable offering.

