1. 鼓掌用英语怎么写 鼓掌
clap one's hands
warmly applaud
approve by acclamation
Let's give her a big clap.
The spectators applauded wildly.
He was deafeningly applauded.
2. 鼓掌单词怎么写 动词形式:applaud及物动词 vt. 1.向 。
鼓掌;向 。喝彩The audience applauded the singer for three minutes. 观众向歌唱家鼓掌喝彩达三分钟 。
2.称赞;赞成We applauded him for his courage. 我们称赞他的勇敢 。不及物动词 vi. 1.鼓掌欢迎;喝彩Everyone stood up to applaud. 全体起立鼓掌 。
名词形式:applause名词 n. [U]1.鼓掌欢迎,喝彩His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause. 他的每一句话都赢得一阵掌声 。2.称赞,嘉许The tax reform was met with unanimous applause. 税收改革得到众口一词的称赞 。
3. 鼓掌单词怎么写 动词形式:applaud
及物动词 vt.
1.向 。鼓掌;向 。喝彩
The audience applauded the singer for three minutes.
观众向歌唱家鼓掌喝彩达三分钟 。
We applauded him for his courage.
我们称赞他的勇敢 。
不及物动词 vi.
Everyone stood up to applaud.
全体起立鼓掌 。
名词 n. [U]
His every sentence was followed by a burst of applause.
他的每一句话都赢得一阵掌声 。
The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.
税收改革得到众口一词的称赞 。
4. 鼓掌 鼓掌可以有三个单词来表示,1, applause n 。
名词 鼓掌欢迎,欢呼 Approval expressed especially by the clapping of hands 。鼓掌,喝彩,叫好,尤指以鼓掌来表示的赞许 Praise; commendation: 称赞;嘉许: a scientific discovery that won critical applause 。
赢得评论界嘉许的一项科学发现 2, clap n 。名词 拍手声,霹雳声 v 。
动词 鼓掌,轻拍 To strike (the hands) together with an abrupt, loud sound, usually repeatedly: 鼓掌,拍手:(手掌)拍击在一起并发出短促的大声响,通常重复拍击: clapped hands in time to the music 。听音乐时恰时的鼓掌 3, handclap n 。
名词 鼓掌,拍手 。
5. 用英语说鼓掌的表达方式~ 鼓掌: to applaudRelative explainations:
His opening remarks are applauded by the audience.2. 孩子们表演完后,大人们鼓掌 。The grown-ups applauded after the children had finished their performance.3. 咱们为下一个表演者热烈鼓掌吧 。
Let's have a good round of applause for the next performer.4. 听众中安插了演讲人的支持者;他们使劲给他鼓掌 。The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly.5. 群众(为他[演出])鼓掌五分钟. The crowd applauded (him/the perfomance) for five minutes.6. 演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬. The cast bowed as the audience applauded 。
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