
1. 亲爱的老公用英语怎么说 亲爱的老公的英文:Dear husband
Dear 读法 英 [d??] 美 [d?r]
1、adj. 亲爱的;尊敬的;昂贵的
2、adv. 高价地;疼爱地
3、int. 哎呀
4、n. 亲爱的人
1、dear john letter 绝交信
2、dear john letter (from woman to man) 断交信
3、for dear life 拼命地,不顾死活地
4、dear sir or madam 尊敬的先生或女士(信笺的开头语)
5、near and dear 极亲密的
rich 读法 英 [r?t?] 美 [r?t?]
adj. 富有的;肥沃的;昂贵的; 油腻的,含有很多脂肪
1、rich wine 浓酒
2、the newly rich 暴发户(阶层)
3、fuel rich adj. 富油的
4、rich harvest 丰收
5、rich mixture 富混合物
expensive, dear, costly这组词都有“高的,昂贵的”的意思,其区别是:
1、expensive 指物品的价格超过了它本身所值,或超过了购买者的支付能力 。
2、dear 侧重指要价过高,或远高于公道、合理的价格,其反义词是cheap 。
3、costly 指物品价格高,通常是因物品稀少或珍贵所致 。
2. 亲爱的老公英文怎么写 亲爱的老公英文是Dear husband。
Dear husband亲爱的老公 拓展资料双语例句 1. May he grant more peace of mind to my dear husband! 希望这能给予我亲爱的丈夫更多内心的平静吧! 2. Yes dear, I know. Now I have my self respect and no husband. 对,亲爱的,我知道. 现在有了自尊,又没了丈夫. 3. Husband: Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice. 老公: 是的,亲爱的,我当时陷入爱河,没发现. 4. Husband: Do you really like this straw hat, dear? 丈夫: 亲爱的,你真的喜欢这顶草帽 吗 ? 5. Why, I vow and declare ! There's your husband, my dear. 啊!亲爱的,我断言那是你丈夫 。
3. 亲爱的老公英文怎么写 亲爱的老公英文是Dear husband。
Dear husband
1. May he grant more peace of mind to my dear husband!
2. Yes dear, I know. Now I have my self respect and no husband.
对,亲爱的,我知道. 现在有了自尊,又没了丈夫.
3. Husband: Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice.
老公: 是的,亲爱的,我当时陷入爱河,没发现.
4. Husband: Do you really like this straw hat, dear?
丈夫: 亲爱的,你真的喜欢这顶草帽 吗 ?
5. Why, I vow and declare ! There's your husband, my dear.
4. 亲爱的老公英文怎么写 亲爱的老公的英文翻译是dear husband,在句中作为名词使用,具体解析如下:
Dear husband
1、dear dear husband 可爱的亲爱的老公
2、Dear radish husband 亲爱的萝卜老公
3、Dear future husband 亲爱的未来丈夫 ; 亲爱的未婚夫 ; 各位未来丈夫 ; 亲爱的未来老4公
4、My dear husband Francisco 我亲爱的丈夫法兰西斯哥
1、Dearest husband, I have one more thing to tell you.
最亲爱的丈夫,我还有一件事告诉你 。
2、My dear husband, so long as you let me have such a little, little world, I'll be very much indebted to you.
亲爱的丈夫,如果你能给我这样一个小小的世界,我会对你充满深深的感激 。
3、Dear husband, my father is going to have his 70th birthday, go and visit him with me, please!
4、Then give your dear husband$ 4000.
那就给你亲爱的老公4000块 。
5、My place is atyour side, dear husband.