
1. 用英语写一下关于铁路职工的认识 In the eyes of most ordinary people, only those who have tickets to the station, the train attendants and the major stations are those who organize our daily travel by train. As everyone knows, there are those who organize the new railway, the daily maintenance of railway lines disease, inspection line safety, to train the Sheung Shui power, access to the network, the maintenance of vehicles 。。They are also a large family of railway system, because of the different division of labor, they quietly dedication in their jobs, they should be regarded as a hero behind the railway.
Railway is divided into vehicles, aircraft, engineering, electricity, car five systems and their different types, different nature of work, working time and content are not the same, but their goals consistent are railway line safety and smoothness of the guardian, is to ensure that the people's daily travel safety in silently dedication.
The railway workers often daytime, night and day silently, with their industrious hands and broad shoulders, always protect the safety and smoothness of the thousands of miles of railway lines, guardian of the tens of thousands of travelers safety of life and property. They don't have to praise, not applause, even not be everyone is well known and understood, but they always stick to their posts, dedication, as "sentinel", with their own practical action stick responsibilities, security guard posts to ensure the safety and smoothness of the railway traffic artery
在大多数普通人眼里 , 只有那些车站售票的、列车上的服务员及各大车站那些组织我们日常乘坐火车的人员才是铁路人 。殊不知 , 还有那些组织新建铁路的、日常维修铁道线路病害的、巡查线路安全的、给列车上水送电的、检修接触网的、检修车辆的……他们也都是铁路系统大家庭中的一员 , 由于分工的不同 , 他们默默地奉献在自己的工作岗位上 , 他们应该算是铁路的幕后英雄 。
铁路分为车、机、工、电、辆五大系统 , 他们工种不同、工作性质不同、工作时间和内容都不尽相同 , 但他们目标一致 , 都是守护铁路线路安全畅通的 , 都是为确保日常百姓的出行安全在默默地奉献着 。
铁路工作者经常披星戴月、夜以继日的默默地工作着 , 用自己勤劳的双手、宽阔的肩膀 , 时时刻刻守护者千里万里铁道线路的安全畅通 , 守护者千千万万出行者的生命财产安全 。他们得不到赞美、得不到掌声 , 甚至不被大家收熟知和了解 , 但他们始终坚守岗位 , 爱岗敬业 , 象“哨兵”一样 , 用自己的实际行动坚守岗位职责 , 守护岗位安全 , 确保者铁路交通大动脉的安全畅通
2. 英语简历中 待遇要求应该怎么写 Thank you so much for your e-mail.
As for my requirements for salary and wellfare, I hope that my salary can be no less than RMB5,000 , together with the Insurance and Housing Fund, taken various factors into consideration.
Really looking forward to be one of you!
3. 求简单英语面试自我介绍 原发布者:蓝馨520706
面试时英文自我介绍5分钟(一) Goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen Itismygreathonortohavethisopportunitytointroducemyself.andIhopeIcouldmakeagoodperformancetoday,eventuallybecomeamemberofyourschool.Nowletmeintroducemyselfplease.I'magraduatestudentfrom****UNIVERSITY.Mynameis***,**yearsold.,bornin**.GuangDongprovince.MymajorisEnglish,andIwillgraduatethisJune. Inthepast3years,IspentmostofmytimeonEnglishstudyingandpractise.IhaveagoodcommandofbothspokenandwrittenEnglishandpastCET-4withaease.SkilledinuseofOffice2007,excel.Mygraduateschooltrainingcombinedwithmycadetteachershouldqualifymeforthisparticularjob. AlthoughperhapsI'mnotthebestamongthecandidates,butwithmystrongknowledgebackgroundandfullenthusiasmforeducation,IamsureIwillsatisfyyouwell. Asacollegestudent,Iconcentratedonstudyingmodernteachingtechnology.IhaveacquiredenoughessentialandfundamentalknowledgeofEnglishteachinginthepastthreeyears.SinceSeptember2009,withgreatinterest,Ihavebeendoingstudentcadreforalmosteachsemesterandformed