
1. 英语里对划线部分提问怎么写 观察划线部分,以便确定该用什么样的特殊疑问词 。实际上我们常用的特殊疑问词,也无非什么(what)、什么时间(when/what time)、谁(who/whom)、谁的(whose)、哪里(where)、哪一个(which)、为什么(why)、怎样(how)、多长(how long)、多久一次(how often)、多少钱(how much)、多大年龄(how old)、多久之后(how soon)等等,只要我们认真分析一下划线部分是针对哪个方面的,我们就可以很简单的确定特殊疑问词 。
把划线的原句变成一般疑问句的形式 。
我们知道对划线部分提问就要涉及到一个特殊疑问句,而特殊疑问句的构成就是特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句的形式 。要把一个陈述句变成一般疑问句的形式很简单,我们又可以分为两种情况来分别对待:
1、对含有be动词(am\is\are\was\were)、助动词(can\may\must\will\should\would\could\has\have等)的句子,变为一般疑问句时我们要把这样的词直接提前 。例如:① Lucy can write articles very well. ─>Can Lucy write articles very well ? ② They were late for the meeting yesterday. ─>Were they ate for the meeting yesterday?③ Mary has been in China for three weeks. ─>Has Mary been in Chinafor three weeks?
2、对含有实意动词做谓语的句子,要借助于助动词(do\does\did)等变成一般疑问句 。例如:① Jim speaks English very well. ─>Does Jim speak English very well ? ② Mr Li taught him math last year. ─>Did Mr Li teach him math last year?
2. 有几句话要求中文翻译成英文(提问的句子要特殊疑问句) 1 you have in this city live a long time? Since 2005
2 how long you when you write a letter to your father? Write two year
Have you ever seen the three series: how many times? Never seen before
4 the book cost you how many money? Don't spend
From here to your school? About two kilometers
6 how long it will take you to finish your homework? An hour later
7. How's the weather today? cloudy
8 all subjects in a subject which is your favorite? sports
9 how do you go to school every day? walk
10 when you from Shanghai back here? Three days ago,
11. Where can I buy this interesting book? Xinhua bookstore
12 that a bike is you? The car is under the tree
3. 外贸提问,请指教 如果你们公司收到过老外给的发票,那你就照葫芦画瓢弄一个即可/
上面写上seller 和buyer 的全称、地址、电话
以及manufacturer full name/origin
下面是Goods name quantity price amount
底下是 发票日期和签字盖章
1.100% 先T/T 或 后T/T----可译成
100% of contract value should be paid by T/T before/after the shipment.
2.30% 先T/T,余额L/C
30% of contract value should be down payment, the rest 70% will be paid by L/C

