1. "破碎"的英语写法 破碎: [ pò suì ] 1. (v) smash; shatter (to pieces)其它相关解释:
Don't touch it, it breaks easily. 5. 飞机撞上了山而破碎 。The plane struck on the hill and went to pieces 。
2. "破碎"的英语写法 破碎: [ pò suì ]
1. (v) smash; shatter (to pieces)
1. 玻璃容易破碎.
Glass breaks easily.
【破碎的英语怎么写】2. 破碎物爆炸的炸弹或其它投射弹等的碎片的散飞
The scattering of the fragments of an exploding bomb or other projectile.
3. 破碎打碎成碎片的动作或过程
The act or process of breaking into fragments.
4. 不要碰它,它容易破碎 。
Don't touch it, it breaks easily.
5. 飞机撞上了山而破碎 。
The plane struck on the hill and went to pieces.
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