
1. 用英语写 Playing fireworks is a traditional activity during the spring festival in China,but nowadays it is forbidden in many big cities.In my opinion, this is quite right,especially for the fellowing for pionts.
First,in case of any fire firework can not be played especially in the big city where there are so many modern buildings.Because once there is a fire it is hard to save and rescue.The CCTV building in Beijing is quite an example for this.
Second,firewoeks are bad for environment protection,so little fireworks are good for our environment.
Tird,the storage of fireworks is also a serious problem.
Forth,for individul safety,we can not play, especially children without parents,because children are esay to be hurt with no sense of self protection.
2. 英语作文放鞭炮好坏处 firecrackers should be banned. For instance.
Some people think that it's a good thing to let off firecrackers. In short. Letting off firecrackers also makes much noise and causes air pollution. Some children are seriously hurt, many big fires are caused by firecrackers. They list many facts to support their argument. While other people hold that firecrackers should be banned, letting off firecrackers is a traditional means to celebrate some special days, the festivals would become too quite to enjoy. To them. If firecrackers were banned. It can add much to the festival atmosphere, such as National Day and the Spring FestivalPeople have different opinions on whether firecrackers should be banned or not, but we can come up with other entertainments, firecrackers should be banned for the benefit of all people.
As far as I am concerned. It is true that firecrackers make our festivals more enjoyable
3. 英语作文:春节,有关放鞭炮,贴对联 The Spring Festival is coming. On that day, I can play firecrackers,affix Spring Festival couplets,pay New Year's call with my parents, eat Jiao-zi and get many gift money. I realy like The Spring Festival 春节就要到了. 那天我可以玩爆竹,贴春联,和爸爸妈妈去拜年,吃饺子,还能得到很多压岁钱.我真的很喜欢春节 。
4. 我的春节要贴窗花、放鞭炮、发压岁钱、吃年夜饭,的英语怎么写、怎 我的春节要贴窗花、放鞭炮、发压岁钱、吃年夜饭,
What I do in the Spring Festival are:
Sticking the paper-cutting on windows;
Set off firebrackers;
Give money to kids i my family;
Having a reunion dinner on the eve of the new year.
5. 《我的寒假》英语作文怎么写,其中要有春节,吃大餐,放鞭炮,放烟花 这花在地上转了起来!好美啊”,望着绚丽多彩的星空,就像天上的繁星,跑出门去 。
晚上六点整,连忙拿起我的烟花棒 。我再也坐不住了 。
顿时:“哇,“扑”的一声,“轰 。我一吃好年夜饭,不一会儿,火苗散开变成了一朵朵美丽的菊花,异常美丽,我不禁赞叹道 。
又听到“蹦”的一声 。导火线“嗤嗤”地冒着烟!我连忙跑到窗前,这颗火苗分溅出许许多多的小火苗,树木都被这烟花照得五彩缤纷 。
烟花在天空中越来越多 。然后,只见一颗绿色的火苗飞速地蹿上天空,真像一只变化多端的蝴蝶在飞舞,一会儿黄色,五颜六色 。
突然,一会儿红色,点燃导火线,眨着眼在向人们打招呼,小心翼翼地点燃导火线,准备热热闹闹地过除夕夜,开出一朵金色的莲花,不知一股什么力量从烟花棒底部冲出来,我又拿了个“莲花”,一颗彩色的火苗从烟花棒的顶端射了出去!”外面第一声烟花响了大年三十晚上是最热闹的不夜城,周围的房子,就迫不及待地拿出爸爸买好的各色烟花 。小区的居民们都沉浸在新年快乐的气氛中 。
