
1. 乌云的英文 乌云[wū yún]词典black clouds; dark clouds; [电影]Nuvem网络WooYun; wooyun.org; Cloud乌云预示暴风雨的来临 。
【乌云的英语怎么写】The dark clouds threatened a big storm. 汉英大词典2月亮被乌云遮蔽了 。The moon was covered by the dark clouds. 汉英大词典3乌云散了 。
Dark clouds dispersed. 汉英大词典4天上出现了一片乌云 。Black clouds appeared in the sky 。
2. 乌云这个英文单词怎样写 cloud 1. 云 2. 云状物(如烟、尘、雾等)
乌云 black clouds ; dark clouds
乌云满天 。The sky is overcast with dark clouds
乌云遮天 。Black clouds blotted out the sky
乌云压顶 。Dark clouds hung overhead
乌云散了 。Dark clouds dispersed
3. 乌云密布这个词用英语怎么写 乌云密布
(The sky) clouded over.; Black clouds gather overhead.; Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.; The clouds gathered black. cloud ;
The sky was dark and threatening.
天空乌云密布,阴沉沉的 。
The sky blackened and soon it began to rain.
Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.
4. 乌云密布这个词用英语怎么写 乌云密布(The sky) clouded over.; Black clouds gather overhead.; Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.; The clouds gathered black. cloud ;双语例句1.The sky was dark and threatening. 天空乌云密布,阴沉沉的 。
2.The sky blackened and soon it began to rain. 天空乌云密布,很快便下起雨来.3.Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy. 鲍勃总是很喜欢航行,即使空中乌云密布 。. 。