连词英语怎么写( 二 )

只能用while的句型: 1.表示对立予盾的对比 , 这时while相当于but 。I am poor while you are rich.我很穷 , 你却很富有 。
Tom is strong,while John is weak. 汤姆很强壮 , 而约翰很瘦弱 。2.表示“趁着还来得及的时候 , 赶快 。
. 趁热打铁.Strike while it is hot. 趁着老师还在教室 , 你赶快去问他吧. You should go to ask the teacher while he is still in. 只能用as的句型: 1.一边 。.一边 。
稳定的动作当从句 , 不稳定的动作当主句 他一边洗澡一边吹口哨. He whistled as he had a bath. 我一边看书一边听音乐. I listened to music as I read. 2.正如 。.所知道 , 预料的一样 。
. as 在此是关系代词 , 不能用which代替. 正如众所周知的一样 , 地球是圆的. As everybody can see,the earth is round. 正如我们预料的那样 , 他失败了 。He failed as we had expected. 正如我们所预料的一样 , 中国足球队赢了印尼. As we had expected,Chinese Football Team betean Indian 3.随着时间的发展 , 某事变得 。
As thirty years passed by,my mother's hair became gray. 三十年过去了 , 妈妈的头发成了银色 。
As morden industry develops,more and more waste produces. 随着工业的发展 , 垃圾制造得越来越多 。三.as 与like的区别 1.表示象 。
一样时 , as接从句 , like 接短语 Do everything as I do. 象我一样做 。He is/looks like his mother. 他长得像他妈妈 。
2.as当介词接短语时 , 表示作为 。不是象 。
一样的意思.like 当动词时 , 是喜欢的意思 , 不要搞混为象 。We should study as Lenin studied. 我们应该像列宁那样学习 。
As a League Member,I should take everything in the lead. 作为一名团员 , 我应该起带头作用 。三.untill, I'll not go untill the bell rings. unless 条件I'll not go unless you go.除非你走我才走 。
肯定句延续I waited untill he came 我一直等到他来 。He lived here until he was 90. 在90岁之前他一直住在这 。
I didn't leave untill he came.直到他来我才走 。短暂not until, I won't stay with you unless you drive the dog out.除非你把狗赶跑 , 否则我不会和你呆在一起 。
四.and,but,however,yet ,  顺趋势自然而然发展He studied hard and became a college student. 逆趋势转折He studied hard, but failed in the exam. 中间有逗号 , 语气轻用however He studied hard, however,he failed in the exam. 不能用but He studied hard, yet he failed in the exam. Althought he studied hard, yet he failed in the exam.(yet可以与although,though连用 , but不能 。五.就近原则 , 对称原则 , 附加不理原则 谓语动词就最近距离主语原则: Either he or his parents (is, are) wrong. Either you or he (is, are) wrong. (Is, Are) you or he wrong? 连词后成分对称原则: Both。
.and, neither 。.nor, not only 。
..but also 。
. She can (either sing, sing either)English songs or Chinese songs. She can (either sing, sing either)English songs or dance well. with后名词附加不影响谓语原则 He as well as his wife and daughters (like, likes) music very much. He with his sons (get, gets )up early every day. I but you (are, am)wrong. 。

