
1. 英语连词成句怎么写 her,book,does,belong,to,the?
Does the book belong to her?
Whose red shirt is this?
The shirt is much too small for me.
He feel worried before getting on the plane.
Be careful of the dog that dose not bark.
2. 英语常用连词有哪些 to begin with(首先)further(此外) in the first place,first firstly , second,secondly, to start with, still(然而) furthermore(进一步说) third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not the least(最后但同样重要的是) as soon as(一旦) as long as (只要)accordingly(照着)…… 。
3. 下面的英语连词成句怎么写 1.in australia i saw a koala and some kangaroos
2.peter and steven usually go to swim in summer
3.which season do you like best
4.last summer i went to the Uk and visited my grandparents
5.they are going to play bolleyball on the beach
4. 英语连词成句 my,a,photo,this,of,is,family
(This is a photo of my family.)
(Anna is your brother's friend.)
(They don't have girlfriends.)
(What is his sister's name?)
(I love my grandmother very much.)
5. 英语常用连词有哪些 常用的连词:
first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place
second,secondly, to start with, still, furthermore
third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least
also, and then, next, besides
and equally important too moreover
besides in addtion finally
by contrast although though yet
at the same time but despitethe fact that even so
in contrast nevertheless even though for all that
notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of
on the other hand otherwise instead still
therfore consequently because of for the reason
thus hence due to owing to
so accordingly thanks to on this account
since as on that account in this way
for as a result as a consequence
still nevertheless concession granted naturally
in spite of all the same of course despite
even so after all
furthermore moreover likewise what is more
besides also not only 。but also 。
too in addtion
for example for instance for one thing that is
to illustrate as an illustration a case in point
as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely
in other words
in summary in a word thus as has been said
in brief in conclusion altogether in other words
to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms
indeed in short in particular that is
in other words of course on the whole to put it differently
namely in all therefore to summarize
6. 英语的连词 一.because因为 , for,since自从 , as , 的区别 because语气强 , 表示客观必然原因: He is absent, because he is ill. 因为生病 , 所以他没来 。
比较:He is absent, for he is busy. (“生病”是“缺席”的必然原因 , “忙”不是必然原因 。) for 语气轻 , 表示非客观必然的原因 , 是主观可改变结果的原因 , 甚至是猜测可能的原因: He must be ill, for he is absent. “缺席”不一定是“生病” , 只是交流猜测 。
for 不能放句首 , 它是并列连词. since,as 都是不讲自明的原因 , 是已知的原因. Since I am a boy, let me carry the case. As you don't feel well,you had better stay at home. 1.我不进去了 , 因为我爸爸在里面. I won't go in .for my father is there. 2.昨晚一定是下雨了 , 因为地很湿. It must have rained last night,for the ground is web. 3.地是湿的 , 因为昨晚下雨了. The ground is wet, because it rained last night. 4.因为不高兴 , 他不想出去了. He diden't wanted to go out,for he was unhappy. 5.既然你工作忙 , 你就不必跟我们一道去了 。Since/As you are busy, you had better not go with us. 6.他付给我比别人少的钱 , 因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, for I'm female. 7.他付给我比别人少的钱 , 仅仅因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, only because I'm female. 8.既然大家都在这 , 我们开始开会吧. Since everybody is here,let's begin our meeting. 二.when,while,as引导时间状语时的异同. when , 表示时间点 , 时间段都可以.如状语是短暂动作时 , 多用when , 是时间段时则三个连词都可以. When/While/As I was walking in the street,I met a friend of mine. 只能用when 的句型: 1.放句中 , 主句是进行时 , 从句是短暂动作 , 表示这时突然 I was reading in the room, when a girl shouted for help.我正在房间看书 , 这时突然听到有一个女孩喊救命! 2.从句是短暂动作:When I got up, I heard the bell ring. 当我起床的时候 , 我听见铃响了 。