
1. 关于合作英语作文带翻译 120个 《合作》:合作就是个人与个人、群体与群体之间为达到共同目的,彼此相互配合的一种联合行动、方式.俗话说,“一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝.一只蚂蚁来搬米,搬来搬去搬不起,两只蚂蚁来搬米,身体晃来又晃去,三只蚂蚁来搬米,轻轻抬着进洞里.”上面这两种说法有截然不同的结果.“三个和尚”是一个团体,可是他们没水喝是因为互相推诿、不讲协作;“三只蚂蚁来搬米”之所以能“轻轻抬着进洞里”,正是团结协作的结果.有首歌唱得好“团结就是力量”,而且团队合作的力量是无穷尽的,一旦被开发这个团队将创造出不可思议的奇迹.当今社会,随着知识经济时代的到来,各种知识、技术不断推陈出新,竞争日趋紧张激烈,社会需求越来越多样 化,使人们在工作学习中所面临的情况和环境极其复杂.在很多情况下,单靠个人能力已很难完全处理各种错综复杂的问题并采取切实高效的行动.所有这些都需要人们组成团体,并要求组织成员之间进一步相互依赖、相互关联、共同合作,建立合作团队来解决错综复杂的问题,并进行必要的行动协调,开发团队应变能力和持 续的创新能力,依靠团队合作的力量创造奇迹." Cooperation ":Cooperation between individuals,groups and between groups to achieve a common purpose,mutual cooperation,a joint action mode.As the saying goes," one boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,everybody's business is nobody's business.An ant moving meters,moving to lift,two ants move meters,body swinging to and fro,three ants to carry meters,gently carried into the hole." The above two statements have different results." Three boys " is a group,but they have no water to drink because mutually making excuses,no cooperation; " three ants to carry meters " can " gently carried into the hole ",is the unity of the results.The song is good " unity is strength ",but also the power of teamwork is endless,once the team will create unbelievable miracle.Like today's society,with the advent of knowledge economy era,knowledge,technology and constantly bring forth the new through the old,competition is increasingly fierce tension,the society needs more and more diverse,so that people in the work of the study situation and the extremely complex environment.In many cases,depends on individual ability to deal with various perplexing problems and take effective and efficient action.All these need the people groups,and require further interdependence between member organizations,interaction,cooperation,establishes the cooperation team to solve the problem of perplexing,and coordinate the necessary action,the development team adaptability and sustainable innovation ability,depend on the power of teamwork to create a miracle. 。
2. 学生会用英语怎么说 学生会的英文:students unionunion 读法 英 ['ju?nj?n; -??n] 美 ['jun??n] n. 联盟,协会;工会;联合短语:monetary union 货币联盟customs union n. 关税联盟union station 联合车站credit union 存款互助会;信用合作社national union (国家)总工会union square 联合广场例句:The students union represents all the students in the school. 学生会代表着这学校里全体学生的利益 。
扩展资料union的用法:club,association,institute,league,union,society这些名词均有“社团,会社,协会”之意 。区别:1、club表俱乐部或会社,其成员因志同道合,有共同兴趣、爱好而组织到一起进行社交、娱乐或体育等活动 。
2、association指较为正式的组织,强调兴趣和需要的一致性 。3、institute指为专门的目标而建立的学会或研究所 。
4、league指为了共同的目的和利益而组成的社团、同盟或联合会 。5、union多指工会,也指学会或协会 。