
1. 最喜欢的的英文怎么写啊 最喜欢的的英文是:Favourite,favourite的英式发音为[?fe?v?r?t]  , 美式发音为['fev?r?t]。
意思有:特别受喜爱的 , 特别喜爱的人(或物) 。拓展资料 favourite的用法 1、Her favourite writer is Hans Christian Andersen. 她最喜爱的作家是安徒生 。
2、The Prime Minister is no favourite of the tabloids. 首相可不受小报的待见 。3、The Belgian Cup has been won by the favourites F.C. Liege. 比利时杯被夺冠热门列日队夺得 。
4、Apples and melons are my favourite fruits. 苹果和甜瓜是我喜爱的水果 。5、I'd say football is my favourite sport 我最喜欢的运动要数足球了 。
6、His favourite pastime is golf. 他最喜欢的消遣是打高尔夫 。7、Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas. 用你最喜欢的香味熏香你的抽屉和衣柜 。
8、They enjoyed a romantic dinner for two at one of their favourite restaurants. 他俩在他们最喜欢的一家餐馆里吃了一顿浪漫的二人晚餐 。
2. 非常喜欢用英语怎么说 一、like very much
英 [laik ?veri m?t?] 美 [la?k ?v?ri m?t?]
英 [la?k] 美 [la?k]
vt.喜欢;(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想;想要;喜欢做
二、very much
英 [?veri m?t?] 美 [?v?ri m?t?]
1、I have a beautiful skirt ( that) I like very much.
我有一条漂亮的裙子 , 我非常喜欢 。
2、Recently I found a new cream cheese frosting that I like very much and I have included it here.
最近我发现一个新的奶油乳酪糖霜 , 我非常喜欢和我在这里包含它 。
英 [l??e] 美 [lo?e]
vt.憎恨 , 厌恶(某人、某事物);[口]极不喜欢(某事物)
1、I loathe modern art.
我很不喜欢现代艺术 。
2、They loathe each other.
他们相互讨厌对方 。
二、hate very much
【特别喜欢的英语怎么写】1、I can make her hate me very much, and can also make her love me very much.
我可以让她非常地恨我 , 也可以让她非常地爱我 。
2、All the normal people hate it very much.
所有正常的人非常憎恨它 。
3. 喜欢的英文怎么写 喜欢的英语:like; love; be fond of 。
拓展资料:一、like:1、音标:[la?k]2、例句:①We like to biro book.我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书 。②She likes to sing songs.她喜欢唱歌 。
③Now they like the film some.现在他们有点儿喜欢这部影片了 。④It's like a special music.它就像是一种特别的音乐 。
⑤Do you like to play games?你们都喜欢玩游戏吗?⑥Do you like apple?你喜欢苹果吗?二、love:1、音标:[l?v]2、例句:①He fell in love with her at their first meeting.他对她一见钟情 。②The first time I saw this dog, I fell in love with it.当我第一次看到这狗的时候 , 我就爱上了它 。
③Babies fill parents with intense feelings of love.父母对婴儿充满了爱意 。④I love you my mother.我爱你我的妈妈 。
⑤I love you my teacher.我爱你我的老师 。⑥I would love to go to school 。
我不得不去上学了 。三、be fond of :1、音标:[bi:][f?nd][?f]2、例句:①I am fond of walking the dog.我喜欢遛狗 。
②I am fond of playing with the dog.我喜欢与狗嬉戏 。③I've always been very fond of you. 我一向非常喜欢你 。
④John's extremely fond of pointing out other people's mistakes, ie He enjoys doing this constantly. 约翰特别喜欢挑剔别人的毛病 。⑤I am fond of playing 。