
1. 关于充实的英语短文【充实的英语怎么写】 读书使人充实"读书使人充实"是一句著名的英国哲学家弗兰西斯培根 。
这意e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333335336535味着 , 任何人想要成为一个完整的人必须继续阅读 。一个完整的人可以被定义为一个具有充满创意的头脑 , 或一位有知识 。
当然 , 学校教育可以填补这个年轻人的思想有一定的思想和知识 。但认为这样学到的思想和知识使人是错误的 。
显然 , 没有人可以说 , 他是一个完整的人 , 因为他是一个大的一个中学甚至大学 。那么这样的思想和知识可以通过经验?事实上 , 我们从经验获得新的知识和想法 。
但假设观点和知识 , 从而获得充分的人也是一个错误 。一个木匠的经验不同于史密斯和史密斯是不同于一个理发店 。
显然 , 经验可以使人不能成立的声明 , 或 。因此 , 我们看到 , 通过这一个完整的人是真正的因素不仅包括教育和经验 , 而且阅读 。
通过阅读科技书籍 , 我们可以了解许多事实;通过阅读地理 , 地球的表面 , 形成 , 物理特性 , 等我们知道;通过阅读历史 , 我们了解到世界的发展 。它是通过读书 , 我们可以学到很多没有看到和听到的事情 。
因此 , 无论多么高的教育或经历多少我们有 , 我们不能成为一个完整的男人 , 除非我们继续阅读 。Reading makes a full man"Reading makes a full man" is a saying of the famous English philosopher Francis Bacon.It means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading. A full man may be defined as one who has a mind filled with ideas, or one who is stocked with knowledge. Certainly school education can fill the young minds with a certain amount of ideas and knowledge. But to think that the ideas and knowledge thus taught make a full man is a mistake. Evidently, no one can say that he is a full man because he is a graduate of a middle school or even a university. Then can such ideas and knowledge be obtained through experience? Indeed, from experience we get new ideas and knowledge. But to suppose that ideas and knowledge thus acquired make a full man is also a mistake. A carpenter's experience is different from a smith's and a smith's is different from a barber' s. Obviously, the statement that experience can make a full man does not hold water, either. Thus, we see that the real factor by which a full man is made includes not only education and experience, but also reading. By reading scientific books, we are informed of many facts; by reading geography, we know the earth's surface, forms, physical features, etc.; by reading history, we are told of the growth of the nations. It is by reading that we can learn many things without actually seeing or hearing them. Therefore, no matter how high our education may be or how much experience we may have, we cannot become a full man unless we keep reading. 。
2. 这真是充实的一天(用英语怎么说 这真是充实的一天翻译为:It's a real full day. 1、real 英 [?ri:?l] 美 [?ri?l, ril] adj.真的;真实的 , 现实的;事实上的;真诚的 adv.真正 , 实在;确实地 n.实在 , 现实;实数 No, it wasn't a dream. It was real 不 , 它不是一个梦 , 它是真实的 。
2、full 英 [f?l] 美 [f?l] adj.满的 , 装满的;完全的 , 完整的;丰富的;详尽的 adv.极其 , 十分;充分地 , 完全地;整整;直接地 n.全部;完整;充分 , 完全;极盛时 v.把衣服缝得宽大;把裙子缝出皱褶;[印]蒸洗 , 漂洗 The case was full of clothes 箱子里塞满了衣服 。扩展资料real的同义词为:true;full的同义词为:stuffed 1、true 英 [tru:] 美 [tru:] adj.真正的;真实的;正确的;忠实的 adv.真正地;确实地;正确地;正当地 n.真理 , 真实;正 , 准 , 精确 vt.摆正;决定(某物)的位置以使其平衡、平稳或水平 Everything I had heard about him was true 我听说的关于他的一切都是真实的 。