
1. 英语标准写法 首先 , 字母书写是英语书写的基础 , 所以对于字母书写的规范是最根本的规范 。对于字母的书写标准有如下建议:
1.书写的坐姿:端正 。与中文的书写一样 , 都需要一个标准的坐姿 , 身体坐正 , 两脚平放 , 背部要直 , 眼睛与直面保持一尺的距离 , 胸部跟桌子保持一个拳头的空隙距离 。
2.握笔的方式:拇指和食指轻握 , 笔杆位于中指的第一节处 , 无名指和小拇指稍微弯曲 , 手腕轻放纸面 , 使手臂能够灵活移动 。
3.字母的写作:所有的字母一律向右倾斜5度左右;所有的大写字母都位于上中两格 , 小写字母比较多样化 , 需要心里有数;所有的字母的笔顺必须正确 , 注意极个别字母的写法 。
2. 一个好学生的标准 Subject: A Standard of a Good Student
When it comes to the standard of a good student, different people have different ideas.Some believe that a good student is the one that is good at his/her study. Others think that a good student is the one that is excellent in all aspects,, but not just good at his/her study.For me, I prefer the latter.
The standard of a good student should not just base on his/her good study, but also should decide on other aspects, such as communication skills with other students or teachers, his real abilities.To be honest, everybody likes the student who is good at study. But to be good at study can't means everything. To be good at study can't mean that he/her can do everything when he/her graduates from school. Nowadays, the society needs more people who are good at communication and have the ability in face the emergency, rather just good at study. According to some newspaper, some companies would rather prefer the student who is not good at study in his/her schools but with good communication skills and other abilities,than the one who is good at study but hasn't abilities and communication skills.
From above-mentioned,I believe that to judge a student is good or not, should decide on his/her properties in every aspects, but rather only consider his/her good study.
第一段:先阐述好学生的标准是什么?有人认为好学生的标准就是功课好.有人则认为好学生的标准应是在各方面都全面发展的 , 而不仅仅只是学习好.作者赞同后面的观点.
第三段:总结 , 再一次强调作者的观点.
(以上也是写作文的最基本的思路 , 希望可以给与参考)

