
1. 开学前7天的7篇英语日记怎么写 How time flies.Today I am no longer a villain in the piece of paper painted with children's children; today I am no longer a simple calculation and the calculation is still the primary problem; today,I have bid farewell to childhood,to youth.With a vision for the future,I came to the East,into the first form of life.
On who started the first feeling fresh.Campus is so clean and tidy,tree-lined; teacher lectures are so vibrant and attractive; students get along is so harmonious,pleasant.All this and all have very different school,so I feel very fresh and interesting.On who started in the second sense is the vision for the future with longing.Opening ceremony,we are excited to read aloud school pledge.Junior high school this year,we will lay a solid foundation for the future,one step forward towards goal.The first form,and then some feel is the tension.Different primary and junior high school learning,there are seven homework
Without a strong determination,amazing endurance,quick thinking is not enough.Into the East,each year,including every student in each class is a good student,all are top student in all schools,the fierce competition of learning,so there will be some downward pressure.Too easy,results will fall behind the ranks,it can not relax,to learn at all times in the state.We must learn to adapt to this climate of tension can be achieved in three years of learning achievements,hard work,create brilliant it!
The first form,and both excited and looking forward to further tension.In any case,had to start from the bit by bit,into a new life.I know middle school is a way of life must to let us Raising the sails of life,and high morale to sail another joy of the other side it!
2. 第1. 10 11 12 天用英语怎么写 the first day
【7天英语怎么写】the second day
the third day
the fourth day
the fifth day
the sixth day
the seventh day
the eighth day
the nineth day
the tenth day
the eleventh day
the twelfth day
我的最标准了 , 采纳哦
3. 星期的英文缩写1一7天 1、星期日:Sunday [?s?ndi]] , 英文缩写:SUN 。
2、星期一:Monday [?m?ndi] , 英文缩写:MON 。
3、星期二:Tuesday [?tju:zdi] , 英文缩写:TUE 。
4、星期三:Wednesday [?wenzdi] , 英文缩写:WED 。
5、星期四:Thursday [?θ?:zdi]] , 英文缩写:THU 。
6、星期五:Friday [?fraidi] , 英文缩写:FRI 。
7、星期六:Saturday [?s?t?di]] , 英文缩写:SAT 。
古巴比伦人创立的星期制 , 首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地 。古罗马人用他们自己信仰的神的名字来命名1周7天:
Sun\'s-day(太阳神日);Moon\'s-day(月亮神日);Mars\'s-day(火星神日);Mercury\'s-day(水星神日);Jupiter\'s-day(木星神日);Venus\'-day(金星神日);Saturn\'s-day(土星神日) 。
这7个名称传到英国后 , 盎格鲁-撒克逊人又用他们自己的信仰的神的名字改造了其中4个名称:
以Tuesday 、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday 分别取代Mars\'s-day 、Mercury\'s-day 、Jupiter\'s-day 、Venus\'-day 。
这样就形成了如今英语中的1周7天的名称 。
4. 告诉客户我们将休假7天,用英语怎么说 Dear sir/madam:
Kindly inform you that dur to the National holiday, we'll be on vacation from Oct 1 to Oct 7.
Regarding the existing issues of the current contract, we'll have it solved as soon as we get back to the office.
We're sorry for the inconvenience, you understanding will be appreciated.
Have a nice weekend!
Best regards.

