
1. 无聊的英语怎么写 无聊的 . .
. 近义词或词组
bromidic | picayunish | wearful | uninteresting | picayune | tiring | disinteresting | wishy-washy | slushy | fiddling | fiddle-faddle | boresome | lifeless | mortal | stifling | boring
2. 无聊的英文怎么写和怎么读 无聊的英文怎bai么写和怎么读
boring 英[?b?:r??] 美[?b?r??,?bor-]
adj. 无聊的,无du趣的; 令人厌烦的; 单调的,乏味的;
n. 钻孔; 钻屑zhi;
v. 令人厌烦(bore的现dao在分词);
[例句]Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.
母亲们不但得不到报回酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常答常都不为人所注意 。
3. 你们知道“无聊”的英语怎么写么 无聊[wú liáo] 1 in extreme depression; bored 2 senseless; silly; stupid; uninteresting na. 1 闲得烦闷 2 没有意义 例句用法 The professor bore the pants off of us during every class of the semester. We were so ready to be done with him. 这个教授整个学期的每节课都无聊透顶 。
我们只想早日结束他的课 。One of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. 作为同伴,劳伦斯最大的魅力是他不会让你无聊,也不会自己无聊 。
Monotony is a big problem for the moralist , because at least half of human's bad habits result from his fear of it. 无聊对于道德家是个重大问题,因为人类的恶习至少有一半由于对它的害怕引起 。She calls mah-jongg a superficial,frivolous game, and was a bit taken aback to hear her own 29-year-old daughter, Amy, had taken it up. 她称麻将是一种肤浅的、无聊的游戏,听到自己29岁的女儿阿波拉菲尔(Amy Abolafia)开始学打麻将的时候有点吃惊 。
He is going into the hospital soon for surgery and would like to have it with him to keep occupied. 他马上就要住院接受外科手术了,他想随身带着iPad,免得自己太过无聊 。I grew up in a small town with no cinema and no bowling - it was a real dullsville. 我在一个小城长大,没有电影没有保龄球,真实无聊透了 。
I've never been quizzed by a panel with questions that make no sense: "If you were a car, what car would you be?" 我从来没有被哪个小组问过这种无聊的问题:"假设你是一辆车,你希望是什么车?" And if it succeeds, you may find you no longer have such a burning desire to be an assistant professor. 如果它成功了,你就不再留恋无聊的助教生涯了 。What she didn't know was that I thought my life was terribly boring, and the last thing I wanted to do was to write about myself. 她所不知道的是,我觉得我的生活非常的无聊,我唯一想做的事就是写下与自己相关的事情 。
And one of their projects was to see what makes meetings boring, and to try and do something about it. 他们其中的一个项目是看是什么导致会议很无聊 。
4. 无聊用英语怎么说 无聊: [ wú liáo ]
1. nonsense
2. bored
<jabberwocky> <tommyrot> <tomfoolery> <noia> <vacuity> <weariness> <ennui> <yawnful> <fiddlededee> <fastidium> <inanity> <barrenness> <monotony> <slightness> <vapidness> <prosiness>
5. 简约的生活不是简单的生活英语怎么说呢:Thesimplelifeisnotsimplelife 可以直接说a simple life is not simple (at all).非要换个词:如果简约强调低调,随意用simple,humble或者plain如果把不简单理解为不容易:A simple/humble/plain life is not easy.如果把不简单理解为无聊:A simple/humble/plain life is not boring/dull/tedious.如果简约强调俭省,节约用rustic甚至是poorA rustic life is not plain/simple/easy. 。