
1. 英国人个人来华邀请函该怎么写呀 这种邀请函属于很基础的作文 。作为签证官 , 他/她需要从邀请函里了解的信息包括:
1、邀请人信息:姓名 , 性别 , 出生日期 , 身份证号码 , 护照号码 , 住址 , 职业等等
2、被邀请人信息:姓名 , 性别 , 出生日期 , 护照号码 , 住址 , 职业等等
3、邀请原因:叙述一下 , 比如要来拜访我 , 我要带他去哪里游览 , 旅行日程 , 何时返英等等 。
中国也怕外国人滞留不归 , 给国家造成负担 。所以 , 你最好提及被邀请人的经济能力 , 证明被邀请人有经济能力负担这次旅行 。
提供了以上信息 , 这份邀请函应该非常合格了 。
2. 给英国人写邀请函和合同,急 邀请函版本如下:
前面中间最好大抬头是你们公司的名称 , 地址 , 电话等信息 。
June 4th ,2010(日期这几行在抬头下面左上角)
To The China Embassy
Visa Section
Dear Sir\Madam
********(你们自己公司名称) wishes to support Mr ****(客户名字)(D.O.B. 生日日期如85/12/01) holder of United Kingdom Passport No:*******(比如说是英国的) ,  to apply for a China Visa, to attend Design Review Meetings, to visit factory and talk about the details of the order in plastic parts in **** City,Fujian Province(你们公司所在的城市).
He will refine and approve Fixture Designs plus carry out the Inspection on Pre-Production Samples and post-production items, for their Fixture Supply Program. Thus he requires to get a double Entry Visa (with the first visit on 21/06/2010 to the 25/06/2010 and a subsequent visit approximately 4-6 weeks later) 这个是看客户签的是什么签证以及呆的时间to enable him to travel conveniently to China during the whole process.
The factory address in China is:(你们公司详细地址)
This is an urgent case, as Mr ***(客户名称)is required to visit the factory between June 21st and June 25th 2010 (呆的时间) ,  to ensure production can proceed. Should you have any queries or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us at the contacts below.
Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Yours truly,
3. 英国探亲签证材料的邀请函怎么写啊 邀请函不用太长 , 100-120个英文单词就可以了.
邀请当事人来写 , 如果是打印出来的还要亲笔签名.
内容主要写明: .邀请人与被邀请人的关系
.何时到英国 , 逗留大概时间.
.在英国逗留的住所 , 是否提供生活所需的帮助等.
由于邀请函当时没有留下副本 , 所以我到网上找了一个英国邀请函的模板.希望有所帮助.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to confirm that I wish to invite Jonathan Doro to visit me in the UK for 4 weeks in order to attend my university graduation ceremony and also stay afterwards for a short holiday. The date of my graduation is 12 July 2009 and I hope you will allow him to come before then so that he can attend my graduation. After graduation, I would like him to stay for a brief 3-week holiday with my family.
I have been studying at the First Class Degrees University where I recently completed a degree course and have leave to remain in the UK indefinitely.
I am able to accommodate him for the whole duration of his stay in the UK and I will also pay for his living expenses. Please find attached evidence of my accommodation and also evidence of my financial status which shows that I am able to meet Jonathan Doro living costs during the time he will be staying with us.