
1. 郭海瑞的英文名怎么写 郭海瑞适合用的英文名:
〖男孩英文名〗: Irving (意义:英俊而公正,来源:盖尔语)
〖女孩英文名〗: Isabella (意义:未知,来源:未知) 郭海瑞的运程:
〖诗曰〗: 受君之禄 久降祯祥 盈而不覆 守之乃昌 毋怠毋骄 记保安康
〖签释〗: 君在古代指君王,受君之禄,便是今天所指的吃皇家饭,泛指拿国家,工资,禄就是俸禄,也叫薪水,君中民间的一般含义,就是有德之士,称为君子,这个下上司,也许没有很高的社会权势,但也是正正派派有群众威望的高人 。君给郭海瑞的恩惠是长期的 。容器盛满了也不要倒掉,守着它必为正道 。职位和收入,在郭海瑞的命运中已达到了顶峰 。古人云:"知足者常乐 。"所以,郭海瑞不要再有更大的奢望和欲求,高高兴兴地搞好本职工作 。闹情绪`想跳槽,这山望见那山高,都是不妥的,唯有固守本职,不偏不倚,2保持心理的平衡,才是成功之道 。这样郭海瑞至少是平安的,健康而又愉快的 。平安即是幸福!
2. 《青玉案 元夕 》的英文翻译 《青玉案 元夕 》原文。
东风夜放花千树 。更吹落、星如雨 。宝马雕车香满路 。凤箫声动,玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞 。
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕 。笑语盈盈暗香去 。众里寻他千百度 。蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处 。
译文:像东风吹散千树繁花一样,又吹得烟火纷纷,乱落如雨 。豪华的马车满路芳香 。悠扬的凤箫声四处回荡,玉壶般的明月渐渐西斜,一夜鱼龙灯飞舞笑语喧哗 。
【盈盈英文怎么写】美人头上都戴着亮丽的饰物,笑语盈盈地随人群走过,身上香气飘洒 。我在人群中寻找她千百回,猛然一回头,不经意间却在灯火零落之处发现了她 。
英文翻译:Night lights a thousand trees in bloom.
Ashower of stars blown.
By the east wind.
Ornate carriages drawn by gallant horses.
Filled the boulevards with a sweet fragrance.
Voice of the magic flute flowing.
luster of the jade white urn turning.
All night the fishes and the dragons danced.
Butterflies, willows, charms of gold.
Gone -- that angelic laughter, that subtle perfume.
In the crowds for her I'd searched a thousand times.
Perchance I turnedand there she was.
Where lights were few and dim.
The Poet:Xin Qiji (1140-1207),
One of the best poets of the Song dynasty,was a general who had trained a powerful army and led .
Some very successful campaigns against the northern.
Invaders, but was repeatedly held back and dismissedand reappointed by his emperor. Eventually, he retiredand died a frustrated warrior yet a very accomplished poet.

