
1. 轮船英语怎么写 ship 英[??p] 美[??p]
n. 船; 宇宙飞船; (舰船上的) 全体船员; 运气;
vt. 运送;
vt. 把…装上船; 装好(船具); 上市; 使乘船;
[例句]Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure
90分钟之内轮船准备出发 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:ships 复数:ships 现在分词:shipping 过去式:shipped过去分词:shipped
steamer 英[?sti:m?(r)] 美[?stim?]
n. 蒸锅; 汽船,轮船; 蒸汽机; 用蒸汽工作的人;
[例句]When does your steamer sail?
[其他] 复数:steamers
2. 轮船用英语怎么说 “轮船”用英语说法:steamship 读法:英 ['sti?m??p] 美 ['stim'??p] 释义:n. 轮船;汽船per steamship由轮船装运SANKO STEAMSHIP三光汽船turbine steamship汽轮机船Valles Steamship万利轮船例句:1、The steamship veered around for the port.轮船掉头返航 。
2、The first development in modern transportation was the steamship.现代交通工具的首次飞跃是轮船 。扩展资料steamship的近义词:boat 读法:英 [b??t] 美 [bot] 释义:1、n. 小船;轮船2、vi. 划船短语:1、patrol boat巡逻艇2、Boat Quay驳船码头3、Boat People投奔怒海4、missile boat导弹快艇5、rescue boat救护船 。
3. 乘轮船用英文怎么说 1. take a ship
类似的表达还有:take a ship(乘轮船),take a plane(乘飞机)等 。
2. on a ship
on a plane 乘飞机 (可想像“骑”在飞机上) 。9. on a ship 乘轮船 。10. on a bicycle, on a motorbike 骑自行车/摩托车
3. by ship
by bus 乘公共汽车 fly a kite 放风筝 。by ship 乘轮船 。by plane 乘飞机
4. take a boat
take a bath 洗个澡(沐浴) 。take a boat 乘轮船 。take a bus 坐公共汽车
4. 船的英文怎么写 一、“船”的英文是:ship [??p] [??p]
2、vt.& vi.运送
1、Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure
90分钟之内轮船准备出发 。
2、Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa.
食物正被运往遭受旱灾的非洲南部 。
3、We went by ship over to America.
我们搭轮船去美国 。
4、A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.
一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了 。
四、第三人称单数: ships 复数: ships 现在分词: shipping 过去式: shipped 过去分词: shipped
A Moroccan fishing vessel and a South Korean cargo ship collided in rough seas.
一艘摩洛哥渔船与一艘韩国货船在波涛汹涌的大海上相撞了 。
n. 船;船型物
v. 划船;放于船上;乘船
They pushed the boat further into the water.
他们把小船又往水里推了推 。
Let's go boating on the lake.
【轮船英语单词怎么写】我们去湖上划船吧 。