
1. 关于重感冒的英语作文带翻译 The weather these days is very cold. It's easy for us to have a cold. And I had a bad cold yesterday. I had a high fever last night, so my parents sent me to the hospital. Today I began to cough, so now I have a sore throat. The doctor advised me to take some medicine on time and drink hot water with honey. Besides, I should stay in bed and have a good rest. So my parents called my teacher to ask for a 2-day leave. I hope I can get well soon.
最近的天气太冷了,我们很容易感冒 。昨天我就得了重感冒 。昨天晚上我发了高烧,所以父母送我去了医院 。今天我开始咳嗽,所以现在嗓子疼 。医生建议我按时吃药并且喝热蜂蜜水 。并且,我应该卧床休息 。所以爸妈给老师打电话请了两天假 。我希望我可以早日康复 。
2. 得了重感冒的英语怎么说 得了重感冒
1、Get a bad cold
2、Have a a bad cold
3、catch a bad cold
4、catch a serious cold
以上说法都可以 。
This is Lucy speaking. I have a bad cold. I can't go to school tomorrow.
我是露西 。我得了重感冒 。我明天不能上学了 。
3. 得了重感冒用英语怎么说 得了重感冒
Got a terrible cold.
或:have a bad cold.
“我得了重感冒 。”——“是吗?哦,天啊 。对了,那你这个周末就不走了吧?”
'I've got a terrible cold.' — 'Have you? Oh dear. Anyway, so you're not going to go away this weekend?'

