工作用英语怎么写的( 二 )

5. 【英语翻译1【我想找一个离我家近点的地方工作】我如果这么写, 一、关于“我想找一个离我家近点的地方工作”的翻译问题.原来的两种写法在语法上没有错误,但是却没把汉语的意思准确地表述出来.这句话说的是要“找工作单位或岗位”,而不是单纯要“找地方”,拆开讲就是“找一个工作的地方(to find a work position)”,“这个地方要离家近一点(it is to be nearer to my home)”,然后把后一个句子的主语 it 转换为 which 或 that 跟在先行词position后面就成了定语从句:I hope to find a work position which/that is hoped to be nearer to my home (或者that may as well be nearer close to my home)如果用where 引导定语从句,不能只改写后半句,而是要改变整个结构.I want to work at a place where I hope to find a job, which may as well be nearer to my home. 我想在我希望找到工作的上班,这个地方离家近点为好. 二、关于虚拟 所谓虚拟就是指“不符合或不一定符合事实”,以下的句子都不是事实,因此都需要用虚拟语气表述: 1、如果当时我在那里,我也会那么做.If I had been there at that time, I would have done it like that.(对过去的虚拟)2、如果我在美国,我也会去白宫参观If I had been in the US, I would have gone to the White Palace for a visit.(对过去的虚拟)3、如果事情和你想的一样,那就太好了It would be great if it were what you thought about. (对现在的虚拟) 。

